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City <br />Council meeting of January 17, 1989 <br />Page <br />.. <br />4. <br />Mailbox locations shall be approved by the United States Postal <br />service. <br />5. <br />Developer shall install one tree per lot of a minimal size within <br />the <br />subdivision development as per city regulations. <br />6. <br />Approved driveways or drainage ways must include the installation <br />of a <br />minimum 15" diameter, corrugated metal culvert acceptable to the <br />city <br />if required by the city building inspector. <br />7. <br />The developer shall secure Rice Creek Watershed District and DNR <br />approval of their on-site drainage plan and acceptable building <br />floor <br />elevations established prior to approval of the final survey by <br />the <br />City Council. <br />S. <br />Perc test information must be provided for the proposed location <br />of <br />future residence on parcel B prior to any deed approvals. <br />9. <br />Lot lines within the subdivision must be staked and identifiable <br />to <br />determine proper building setbacks if required by the building <br />inspector. <br />10. <br />Applicant provide topographic map with contours for the site. <br />11. <br />The minimum floor elevation of any structure on site shall be <br />established at 914 feet. <br />12. The on-site sewer system be designed to serve the site in question as <br />per city policy and ordinances at the time of building permit <br />issuance. <br />13. Building construction on Parcel B shall be preceeded by a Special Use <br />Permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINOR SURD (D. VALENTO) <br />Don and Janet Valento have made application to the City of Hugo for the <br />subdivision of a tract of land located north of County Road 8, between <br />Elmcrest Avenue and Everton Avenue, in the City of Hugo. The property in <br />question is located in the S 1/2 of Section 18, T.31N, R2.1W, Washington <br />County, Minnesota. The Hugo Planning Commission held a public hearing on <br />this request on November 22, 1988, at which time this matter was tabled <br />pending the submittal of additional information regarding the location of <br />Everton Avenue. Mr. Valento submitted a revised preliminary survey <br />identifying three tracts of land which shows the relationship of Everton <br />Avenue to Tracts B and C of the proposed survey. Mr. Dave Torgersoii, <br />representing Milner Carley, indicates that when they surveyed the exact <br />location of the roadway in existence, it shows that Everton Avenue abutts <br />on both Tracts B and C of the proposed survey. Mr. Valento informed the <br />Planning Commission that he intends to remove the 17' x 26' shed from <br />Tract. A which is located within 8' of the north property line of proposed <br />Tract A. At the public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission, <br />residents adjacent to the site appeared and indicated their concern with <br />regard to placement of Everton Avenue as it affects their property and the <br />Valento property. Mr. Leroy Peltier insisted that the misting roadway <br />does not abutt Mr. Valento's property. The objectors to this subdivision <br />felt that the survey they had conflicts with the survey prepared by Milner <br />Carley. The Planning Commission did not feel that the survey necessarily <br />conflicted as Mr. Pel tier's survey only shows the approximate centerline <br />