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1989.01.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.01.17 CC Minutes
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City Council
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/D <br />City Council meeting of January 17, 1989 <br />Page 4 <br />of the roadway where the applicant's survey shows the precise location o <br />the existing roadway. Mr. Valento agreed to wait until the January 17, <br />1989 Council meeting for review of this request allowing area residents t. <br />check their survey with a registered surveyor to determine if there is a <br />conflict in roadway location. The Planning Commission recommended <br />approval of the subdivision of land and waiver of the formal platting <br />requirement as reflected in the survey. City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto, <br />gave a history of the Everton Avenue road improvement. Jim Leroux, 4360 <br />165th Street, addressed the Council, and suggested that they not use the <br />piece -meal approach to secure right-of-way for Everton Avenue, and that <br />the city acquire all of the right-of-way from the Valento property south <br />to County Road 8. Leroy Peltier presented a survey, prepared by Hult and <br />Associates, which indicated there was an approximate 2' strip of land <br />between most of Parcel C of Mr. Valento's survey and existing Everton <br />Avenue. He stated he had no objection to Mr. Valento's subdivision, but <br />didn't want Mr. Valento or future property owners crossing his mother's <br />land to get to their home or building site. Mr. Valento agreed to locate <br />the driveway to Parcel C where said tract abutts on Everton Avenue. He <br />also agreed to give the city whatever easements are necessary for future <br />road improvements, and a temporary easement for a turn -around until such <br />time as Everton Avenue is extended to the north. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski, to approve the final certicate of survey <br />#1-17-89(B) for Don and Janet Valento, waiver of the formal platting <br />procedure, for the following described property: The S 1/2 of the NE 114 <br />of the Stat 1/4 and the N 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4, Section 18, T.31N, <br />R21W, Washington County, Minnesota. Approval is subject to the followinc <br />special. conditions: <br />1. All fees relating to the subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording documents with Washington County. <br />2. Developer pay fee in lieu of parkland dedication at the time of final <br />survey approval. <br />3. A drainage plan including holding ponds and ditches must be approved <br />by the watershed district and maintained by the property owner with <br />the method of maintenance to be reviewed by the city engineer. <br />4. Mailbox locations shall be approved by the United States Postal <br />Service. <br />5. Developer shall install one tree per lot of a minimal size within the <br />subdivision development as per city regulations. <br />6. Approved driveways or drainageways, must include the installation of a <br />minimum 15" diameter, corrugated metal culvert acceptable to the city <br />if required by the city building inspector. <br />7. The developer shall secure Rice Creek: Watershed district approval of <br />their on site drainage plan prior to approval of the final survey by <br />the city council. <br />S. Percolation tests must be completed an each of the buildable lots and <br />must be submitted to the city for review prior to final survey <br />approval. <br />9. Lot lines within the subdivision most be identified to determine <br />proper !:-wilding setbacks if required by the building inspector. <br />10. The 16' X 26' shed located on the north border of Tract= A be remove(I <br />prior- to the stamping of any deeds for conveyance_ of Tract A. <br />
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