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City Council meeting of 2/21/89 <br />Page 7 <br />It was Council consensus that Mayor Atkinson send a letter to the Hugo <br />Post Office regarding possible solutions to the parking and access <br />problems at their site. <br />The city received a progress report on the C.I.P. Phase 1 from city <br />engineer, Howard Kuusisto, as follows: <br />1. Plans completed for review by March 6, 1989' <br />2. Plan revisions and specifications completed by March 20, 1989. <br />3. Bid opening prior to Council meeting of April 17, 1989. <br />4. Construction commence some time between the end of May and the <br />beginning of June. <br />WARREN ARCAND - 130TH STREET <br />Warren Arcand addressed the Council, and after a lengthy discussion, <br />requested that the City Council amend the C.I.P. as it relates to the <br />130th Street improvement. He requested that the Council acquire <br />right-of-way and relocate a portion of the road through a swamp to <br />straigthen the road along the section line. He cited increased traffic in <br />front of his mother's house and the high assessments he will have to pay <br />for the improvement as proposed. The City Council questioned the need to <br />straighten the road, and it was the consensus that there seems to be no <br />benefit in straightening the road when considering the costs of Mr. <br />Arcand's request. Mr' Arcand stated he was not willing to pay the cost of <br />relocating the road as suggested by the city. After a lengthy discussion, <br />the Council unanimously agreed that the C.I.P., Phase 1, should continue <br />as proposed as it relates to 130th Street in light of the discussions with <br />Mr. Arcand. Councilman McAllister was also concerned about acting on this <br />request since no formal petition or application was submitted by Mr. <br />Arcand. Mr. Arcand thanked the Council for their consideration, and <br />stated that he would have to consider whether he wanted to pursue this <br />matter in some other way. <br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to adjourn at 9:27 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried' <br />Ma Creager, Cit.Clerk <br />Cit Hugo L~� <br />