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3? <br />City Council meeting of 3/20/89 <br />Page 4 <br />In 1987, the City Council took: formal action directing the staff to send a <br />letter to Mr. Stanek: informing him that if he wishes to provide permanent <br />access to his property, he can do so by petitioning the city for the <br />improvement of the roadway under Chapter 429 of the Public Improvement <br />Code. <br />Mr. Lloyd Grooms, representing Mr. Yoe Stanek:, was present at the meeting, <br />and asked that two issues be addressed: 1) affirmation of the <br />right-of-way, and ) physical accessibility to Stanek's property. Mr. <br />Grooms stated that they do not want a roadway, and that petition for a <br />roadway is not being requested. <br />Mayor Atkinson stated that he takes issue with Mr. Grooms' letter implying <br />that the city has been unwilling to resolve this matter. Councilman <br />McAllister asked Mr. Grooms if Mr. Stanek: understands fully his option to <br />petition for installation of this roadway. Mr. Groom responded in the <br />affirmative. The possibility of vacating the right-of-way and retaining <br />an easement for driveway purposes was discussed. Mr. Grooms said he would <br />discuss that option with his client, and would get back: with the city. <br />Mayor Atkinson said the city would respond to a petition for roadway <br />improvements or to vacate the roadway. Other than those options, Mr. <br />Stanek: would have to reaffirm the existence of the right-of-way on his <br />own. Mayor Atkinson said he would like to move on to the next item on the <br />agenda. <br />CAEiLE TV GF... i NAN( E <br />A public hearing has been scheduled for April 3, 1989 at 7:05 PM, to <br />discuss the Franchise Ordinance. <br />TEMPORARY BUILDING <br />The newly purchased trailer- will be used by the Fire Department as a <br />training facility and for storage of their records. Ars April 1st <br />completion date is anticipated. <br />PLANNING I NTEN:RI <br />City Administrator Huber will be interviewing a candidate to fill this <br />position on March 27th. Hopefully, he will be ,joining city staff =_..c:me <br />time in early April.. <br />RUAD CONDITION COMPLF :l: t 7`-' <br />Administrator Huber stated that City Hall has received numerous road <br />complaints in the last few weeks (Elmcrest Avenue). Washington Count; <br />Public Works is unable to rectify the problems until the fro5t is out of <br />the ground. <br />Councilman Vail asked that city staff make an inspection of 142nd Street., <br />east: of Highway 61 ( Giese' s driveway) to determine what can be done <br />alleviate the problem of standing water. <br />