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City Council meeting of 3/20/89 <br />Page 3 <br />1torage of runoff during a 100 -year storm event. This wetland area also <br />tccommodates runoff from other areas to the south and east of the site, <br />nd appears to have no outlet' <br />City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto, reviewed his report of 3/20/89 with the <br />Council and Wilson Tool's representatives, Mark Jones and Julian <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to table Wilson Tool's application <br />for site plan approval providing a comprehensive drainage, grading, and <br />erosion control plan to accommodate expansion so that city staff can <br />further review this proposal with the applicant to address the following: <br />1. <br />Consider pond outlet to south pond currently being <br />used. <br />2. <br />Consider outlet for 100 year flood storage area in <br />wetland to the <br />south. <br />3. <br />Parking on only one side of access to south parking <br />lot. <br />4. <br />No more development after Phase 1 without Farnham Avenue <br />and Falcon <br />Avenue being improved' <br />5. <br />Is 128th Street important to future roadway system <br />for this area? <br />6. <br />Fill not to be removed below 932' elevation' <br />7. <br />Pond outlet to dump into street right-of-way? <br />B. <br />Storm sewer pipe in south parking lot is too close <br />to the surface and <br />will freeze. <br />ll aye. Motion Carried. <br />,OE STANEK- EQU ST <br />The city received a letter from Lloyd Grooms regarding a request for the <br />city to provide access to Joe Stanek's property via the road right-of-way <br />alledgedly running south of 180th Street down the section line between <br />Sections 1 and 2. The city administrator reviewed the history of this <br />case dating back to 1970. He noted there were hard feelings between Mr. <br />Stanek and his neighbors. He also referenced previous communications with <br />Mr. Stanek regarding possible solutions to his problem. It was noted that <br />in December, 1988, the city attorney sent Mr. Stanek a letter requesting a <br />response to ten questions regarding his earlier proposal to the city. <br />This letter was never responded to by Mr. Stanek. <br />In conclusion, the city has taken a position that the road right-of-way <br />leading to Mr. Stanek's property exists based on the best records <br />available to the city. The city has suggested that if Mr. Stanek is <br />desirous of having the court's decide the issue of the right-of-way <br />existence, then it should be done at his expense. If, however, his desire <br />is to improve the roadway to provide access to his property, the city has <br />given Mr. Stanek several options to pursue this under Chapter 429 of the <br />Public Improvement Code. The city has also suggested the possibility of <br />vacating the right-of-way in question and retaining a driveway easement <br />-llowing for the type of access he has requested in his previous letters. <br />he city has recommended numerous options for Mr. Stanek to pursue this <br />issue; however, he chooses to reject those options as said options would <br />involve a financial commitment on his part. <br />