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1989.04.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.04.03 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council. meeting 4/.3/89 <br />Page 4 <br />1. The proposal in question is inconsistent with Fart II, B, #S and #h of <br />the city's Comprehensive Flan. <br />2. The retail sale of automobiles in an agricultural zone is not <br />permitted as per the city's zoning ordinance. <br />3. There appears to be three established residential dwellings abutting <br />on the north and south boundaries of the site at Highway ai, and at the <br />northeast corner of the site. <br />4. The actual boundaries of the site are not clear on the site plan. <br />S. This request is inconsistent with the City Council's direction to <br />eliminate auto reduction yards by SUP from the city's zoning ordinance. <br />b. The city does not feel this proposal is consistent with the city's <br />Comprehensive Plan, Fart II -A2 calling for "quality, light industrial <br />development". <br />7. The site identified in the petition is significantly larger than the <br />area to be used for auto reduction noted on the site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Driscoll asked the Council whether the city would look favorably on <br />their business if they enclosed the entire operation. City Administrator <br />Huber advised the Council against responding as the city Had no <br />application or site plan to make a commitment. He reminded the Council <br />for the need to hold the required public hearings prior to giving their <br />approval to a reviewed proposal. <br />SUP FOR BALD EAGLE ESTATES (RICHARD GRANGER) <br />On behalf of Birchwood Builders, Inc., Mr. Richard Granger has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for a SUP to proceed with a PUD on Outlot <br />A of Bald Eagle Estates subdivision. The property in question is zoned <br />SFE and is approximately b 1/2 acres in size. It is the intent of the <br />developer to use a lot density and zero lot line approach to construct six: <br />townhouses (twin homes) on this site. SFE zones require a minimum one <br />acre lot size, and duplexes are permitted by SUP. It is the intent of the <br />developer to preserve the wetlands and natural setting of the site as well <br />as stay within the prescribed density for the SFE zone. The site in <br />question is currently being served by sanitary sewer to the end of Falcon <br />Court. The site access road will be surfaced, and include curb and gutter <br />as per the city engineer's recommendation. The interior roadway and <br />utilities on site will be private, and maintained by the homeowner's <br />association. Homeowner's association documents wi.l.l be prepared and <br />reviewed by the city attorney, and approved at the time of final plat. <br />approval. Through use of the PUD concept, the City Council would allow <br />for zero lot line approach to setbacks,, and a density approach allowing <br />lots smaller than one acre in size. Although this approach is unique to <br />the City of Hugo, the Planning Commission felt that it made a lot of sense <br />for areas such as these when the sites can be served by utilities and <br />surfaced streets. The Hugo PC held a public hearing on this request <br />February 22, 1.989, at which time they recommended approval of the SUP <br />subject to incorporating the staff recommendations and engineering report <br />into the final site plan to be submitted for Council review. Th(:-., <br />developer has addressed most of the staff concerns in the revised site <br />plan. The issues not addressed in the site plan will be addressed ir, <br />restrictive covenants or homeowner association agreements to be approved <br />at the time of ffi.nal plat review. <br />
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