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City Council meeting of 4/2/89 <br />Wage 5 <br />esinski made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the application of Mr. <br />;ichard Granger dba Birchwood Builders for a Special Use Permit to proceed <br /> a PUD on Outlot A of Bald Eagle Estates subdivision. Approval is <br />subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. Completion of all improvements identified on the site plan within 12 <br />months of issuance of first building permit. <br />2. Submittal of a detailed landscaping plan. <br />3. Maintenance of private road and utility system by the homeowner's <br />association. <br />4. Limiting on-site storage buildings to the areas identified on the <br />approved site plan. <br />5. Providing an area for visitor parking. <br />b. Compliance with grading and drainage plan for the site. <br />7. The lowest floor elevation for any dwelling or structure on the site <br />shall be at least 934 feet above sea level. <br />S. Individual garbage service will be provided for each dwelling unit on <br />site. <br />9. Failure to secure Council approval and recording of the final plat of <br />Bald Eagle Estates No. 2. and the homeowner's association agreements <br />within 180 days of this permit approval, shall void this SUP <br />10. No further subdivision of this site shall be permitted. <br />11. All of the concerns identified by the city attorney in his February <br />205 1989 letter to the staff shall be addressed to the satisfaction of <br />the city. <br />2. This SUP shall not be recorded with Washington County until the final <br />plat and other documents referenced above have been approved by the <br />city and properly recorded. <br />13. The site plan shall be a part of this permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT FOP BALD EAGLE ESTATES NO. <br />Subject to approval of the Special Use Permit for PUD on Outlot A of Bald <br />Eagle Estates subdivision, Birchwood Builders. !-las made application to the <br />City of Hugo for the resubdivision of Outlot A in Bald Eagle Estates. <br />This property is to be formally platted with variance: allowing for use of <br />zero lot lines and less than one acre lot sizes. The tract in question <br />contains approximately ti 1/2 acres and is currently zoned SFE. The plat <br />would contain twelve -._ x 100' lots and a 1Zth lot that would be the <br />commons area available for use by members of the homeotwneros association. <br />The plat in question will be served by Falcon Court North which will be <br />fully improved as a part of the Bald Eagle Estates subdivision. The <br />Planning Commission Held a public hearing on February 22, 1989 to review <br />this request, and recommended approval of the preliminary plat and <br />variances from lot size and setbacks subject to special conditions. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the application of <br />i.rchwood Builders for resubdivision of Outl.ot. A in Fuld Eagle Estates, <br />nd variances allowing for use of zero lot limes and minimum one acre lot <br />i es. Approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />