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("IS <br />City Council meeting of May 15, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />SPECIAL USF PERMIT ( a . OLSEN ) <br />Mr. ,:John Olsen, 14728 Irish Ave. No. has made application to the City of <br />Hugo for a special use permit to use 11% of his 7.75 acrd tract of land to <br />process and store firewood. Mr. Olsen indicated on his application that <br />the property is being used for farming and is the location of his personal <br />residence. The request in question is very similar- to that of Mr. John <br />Thommes who appeared before the City in 1998 for a similar request which <br />was subsequently denied. Mr. John Olsen operates a tree removal service <br />and has used the site in question and adjacent property as a dump site for <br />trees removed from other communities. He was notified of potential <br />violations of City code regarding illegal dumping when he brought trees in <br />the gravel -pit area to the west of his proposed site. Although Mr. <br />Olsen's proposal may be to split and process firewood on his site, our <br />concern would be that it would end up as just another dumpsite for his <br />tree removal service. We would suspect that this proposal does not <br />involve cutting, splitting, curing, and storing of cord wood. Our guess <br />is that Mr. Olsen intends to pull in large logs and piles of brush to be <br />stored on site until they can be burned or disposed of in another manner. <br />Some of the problems we have experienced with these types of requests in <br />the past is how brush and other wood materials are disposed of during dry <br />summers when no burning permits are issued. City staff strongly suggested <br />that all members of the Council visit the site in question; and note the <br />type of activities taking place and their compatibility with the <br />surrounding area. The staff has indicated concern that once this type of <br />permit is issued, it would be extremely difficult for the City to monitor <br />what is taking place on site in addition to what is firewood and whether <br />or not this area becomes a dumpsite or a legitimate woodsplitting <br />operation. This matter was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their <br />April 26, 1989 meeting at which time numerous adjacent property owners <br />were in attendance and indicated their support of Mr. Olsen's application. <br />There were no objections raised to this proposal at the public hearing, <br />and the PC acted to recommend approval to the City Council subject to <br />special conditions. <br />Mr. Olsen presented a letter to the Council with signatures of adjacent <br />property owners stating that they had no objections to the issuance of a <br />permit for Mr. Olsen's operation. He stated that he has beenr recycling <br />wood for five years, and that his property is not used as a dumpsite. He <br />uses a chainsaw in his operation, and the machinery on his property is <br />Ford front end loader used primarily in the winter months. The tractor is <br />stored inside. No woodchi.pping is done on site. <br />McAllister made motion. Jesinski seconded, to approve the application of <br />John Olsen, 14728 Irish Avenue, for a temporary Special. Use Permit to use <br />11% of his 7.75 acre t.rac...t of land to process and st'or'e fi'..t.'wrod <br />Approval is subject to the following special. conditions: <br />1. The <br />SUP be <br />issued for a <br />maximum period of 24 months beginnif' g thedate <br />- <br />approval <br />by the: City <br />Council. <br />2. No <br />signs or <br />advertising <br />be permitted on site. <br />3. No <br />exterior <br />storage of <br />heavy equipment is to be permitted on site. <br />