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City i:_ounc:i.l meeting of ;Tune 19, 1989 <br />Page .__ <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, directing the City Code <br />Enforcement. Officer to inspect. the Kevin Mann property to determine if the <br />code violations on site have been eliminated and report his findings to <br />the Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ROAD €< BRIDGE MA I NTENANQ AGREEMENT <br />A copy of the Road and Bridge Maintenance Agreement, along with the <br />proposed rates and current rates, for the upcoming year between the City <br />of Hugo and Washington County was provided to the Council for their - <br />review. The agreement in question is basically the same as we have <br />entered into in previous years; however, the Council was to note <br />Attachment A which indicates the change in wage rates and equipment rates <br />for the County. As discussed earlier, the new rates reflect what was <br />anticipated as a result of tax levy limits, losses of local government <br />aid, and how revenue -raising restrictions on the County will affect <br />contracting agencies. Staff is hoping that the cost savings in road <br />maintenance as a result of our CIF' will offset increases in the contract <br />as proposed. <br />Atkinson made motion„ McAllister seconded, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk: <br />to sign the 1989 - 1990 Road and Bridge Maintenance Agreement between the <br />City of Hugo and Washington County. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Atkinson suggested that the City Council consider the possibility of <br />the City of Hugo maintaining a portion of its own roads. This issue <br />should be discussed at 1??0 budget time. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (T. THIBAULT) <br />Mr. William Thibault has requested a variance from the City's coning <br />requirement of 720 sq ft to construct a 24' x 34' attached garage on his <br />property located at 13 875 Goodvi.ew Avenue North, Hugo, MN. The garage in <br />question is to be used for residential purposes only. <br />McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, to grant a variance to William <br />Thibault to allow for the construction of a 24' Y 34' attached garage to <br />his residence at 13875 Goodview Avenue which exceeds the allowable 720 sq <br />ft. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY ASSESSOR FEF AUJUS"I hiEhaT REQUEST <br />Mr. Francis Langer has formally requested the City Council consider- an <br />adjustment in his fee per parcel for assessment work: done in 1539, <br />collectible in 1990. Mr. Langer is requesting an increase to $6.25 per <br />parcel. The City budgeted $4.60/residential and $5.80/commercial for.. 1989 <br />