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City Council meeting of June 19, 1989 <br />Page •._ <br />based on the information provided by the: City assessor- last fall.. Mr. <br />Langer has indicated that the responsibilities of his job, as a result of <br />State legislation, has increased significantly, and that the increase <br />requested is justified and warranted. Mr. Langer was present at the <br />meeting and stated that because his costs Have risen (insurance, <br />schooling, etc), he has made the request for the increase. The Council is <br />well satisfied with Mr. Langer's job performance, but did not feel it <br />would be appropriate to increase his fee now for something budgeted for in <br />1999. <br />Atkinson made a motion to deny the Mr. Langer's request for an increase in <br />his 1989 payment, and that the Council consider his request at 1990 budget <br />time. <br />Because of the Council's motion for denial, Mr. Langer stated that he was <br />uncomfortable starting this year's work without corning to an understanding <br />with the City. Councilman Jesinski requested that Mr. Langer submit an <br />itemization of additional costs. <br />Mayor Atkinson withdrew his motion. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to table the request of Frank <br />Langer for an increase in his 1990 assessment fee until after Mr. Langer <br />and City Administrator, Ken Huber, meet to discuss this request. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CIF' ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORIZATION <br />On June 14, 1989, the City engineer and staff met with Valley Paving at a <br />preconstruction conference to discuss the timing and activities that will <br />take place this summer in conjunction with our CIF road project. It would <br />appear from our discussions that this project is going to move very <br />quickly as the contractor intends to be done with the paving of all <br />streets by mid-August. In an effort to complete this project as quickly <br />as possible, minimizing the inconvenience to Hugo residents, city staff is <br />requesting Council authorization to make administrative decisions <br />regarding the road project. <br />Atkinson made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, that the Council authorize the <br />City Administrator to make the following administrative decisions <br />regarding the City's CIF road project: <br />1. The City administrator, upon the recommendation of the City engineer, <br />be authorized to approve change orders during the course of the CTP <br />construction in an amount not to exceed 10% of the project cost. Said <br />change orders to be ratified by formal Council action. <br />2. The City administrator, upon the recommendation of the City engineer, <br />be authorized to designate temporary haul routes for trucks and <br />equipment during the course of construction. <br />3. Laboratory testing of materials, and additional on-site inspections, <br />be authorized during the course of project construction as deemed <br />necessary by the City engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />