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1989.07.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.07.05 CC Minutes
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City Council
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13 <br />City Council meeting of July 5, 1989 <br />Paqe 3 <br />rap aluminum, newsprint, and beverage canes. Copies of the old <br />.,reement, and the new proposed agreement by the boy scouts, were <br />submitted to the City Council for their review. With regard to the Item <br />#7 in the Memorandum of Agreement, city staff feels it is important to <br />note that the City's eligibility for the grant monies from Washington <br />County is dependent on the amount of recycling that is done and the <br />records that are kept by the Boy Scout Troop. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City <br />Clerk to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Hugo and Boy <br />Scout Troop #151. Term of Agreement shall be from 1/1/89 through <br />12/31/89. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VISITORS TO BE HEARD <br />Mrs. Theodora Peltier was present at the Council meeting stating her <br />concern that water from the newly installed culverts on Goodview Avenue, <br />in conjunction with the CTP, not be directed to her field located at the <br />southwest corner of 1 Oth Street and Goodview Avenue. Administrator Huber <br />informed Mrs. Peltier that the culverts were replacing existing culverts, <br />and a low area west of the road would channel water between the culverts, <br />'iverting the water to an existinq ditch on her property, per the city <br />gineer's office. The culverting across 13(-)th Street at Goodview would <br />installed as per Mrs. Peltier's request. Mr. Huber stated that the <br />-i.ainage pattern, after road construction, will be similar to the current <br />situation. He informed Mrs. Peltier. that there are no guarantees that <br />water won't run onto her property following a heavy rainfall. Mrs. <br />Peltier was also concerned that blacktop not be installed on her property <br />at the 130th Street,/Goodview intersection. She was informed that the <br />blacktop will be installed only in City right-of-way. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />City Administrator Huber reported on the followinq matters: <br />1. The 199C-) budget calendar would be availabe for Council review shortly. <br />2. A City Newsletter/Bulletin informing residents of construction in Hugo <br />will be ready soon. <br />Referenced a letter received from MNDOT statinq that, after reviewing <br />the geometries, traffic volumes, and accident history at the <br />intersection of T.H. 61 at CSAR 8, traffic control is not justified at <br />this time. However, they will continue to study the feasibility of <br />the realignment of the intersection slightly to the west to alloy, for <br />the development of a full width northbound bypass lane along the east <br />side of T.H. 61. <br />'son made motion, Vail seconded, to adjourn at 8:07 PM. <br />1 aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary;a,Creger, Cit j 1erg:: <br />Ci .y f Hugo <br />
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