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Cita; Council meeting of July 5, 1989 <br />P age } <br />encouraged to reapply for a rezoning to an RR:1. or.. RR2 zoning district. <br />The City's comp pian calls for a minimum :tot size of five gross acres per <br />dwelling unit outside the Urban Service Area. Mr. Ke:•llison would like to <br />get this property rezoned to RR2 so that a single family residence} can be <br />built on the site in question. . T his matter- was reviewed 1-,y the Hugo <br />Planning Commission at their dune 25, 1929 regular meeting at which time <br />said Commission unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning to RR2. <br />The site is located on the wast side of Elmcrest Avenue approximately 500' <br />north of 19th Street. <br />McAllister- made motion, Vail seconded, to adopt. ORDINANCE 1959-259, AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER .320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "ZONING" BY <br />AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED REAL <br />PROPERTY. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister,, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST - GARAGE tJ. HEHNj <br />Mr. James Hehn has made application to the City of Hugo for a variance to <br />construct a 4' x 32' accessory building/garage closer to the road than <br />his principal residence. The property in question is located at 5920 Egg <br />Lake Road. The lot has a steep drop off in the rear of the property, and <br />is partially located in the floodplain. This prevents Mr. Hehn from <br />locating the building behind the house. The building will be used for <br />residential purposes only, and he has indicated there are no other <br />accessory buildings on the site. Noting the location of the floodplain <br />and the steep grade at the rear of this property, the Hugo Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments unanimously recommended approval of the variance to construct <br />a 24' x .32' accessory building within 32' of Egg Lake Road Consistent with <br />the submitted site plan on file. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the application of James <br />Hehn, 5?20 Egg Lake Road (Parcel i"•.lo. 35029-0025), for a 12' variance to <br />construct a 24' x 2' accessory building/garage, for residential purposes, <br />within .38' of Egg Lake Road, consistent with the site plan on file. <br />Building to be used by Mr. Hehn for his personal storage only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Cit;' Administrator, Ken Huber,, cautioned Mr. Hehn to make sure the garage <br />i <br />County <br />constructed a5 tar' back on the lot as possible s; l-ii�Uld Washington • <br />decide to widen County ;_A adjacent to his property. Mr. Hehn acknowledged <br />the pos=sibility of County Rd GA may be widened in the future, and he is <br />taking that into account in locating this garage. <br />RECYCLING AGREEMENT - BOY SCOUT <br />The City's agreement with Boy Scout Troop #t15:1., <br />approved <br />January .1., 1987� <br />expired at ''i:.he Find <br />of last year.... :i!-i(i':f;_how this <br />matter l•:?c'd"_ <br />i=t??erloo!'=:(}i:'d, and <br />the boy scouts are <br />requesting 1"hintt the Council <br />continue <br />its join?" efforts <br />with the Boy Scout <br />Troop to provide the recycling <br />of gl..=-'t';'ss., <br />t:. :3 ii cans, <br />