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�lO <br />City Council meeting of July 17, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />the new State and County requirements. Building diagrams now have to be <br />included on field cards, and more information is required for entering <br />into the County's new recordk:eeping system. City staff can see no problem <br />with the increase proposed as Mr. Langer's request appears to be justified <br />based on the increased workload and the City's ability to budget for this <br />increase in 19?0. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, that Mr. Langer's request for an <br />increase for assessment service to $6.00 per parcel be included in the <br />City's 1990 budget. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST - GARAGE (J. HALL <br />On behalf of Mr. James Hall, the Thomas Garley Construction Company has <br />made application to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 768 <br />square foot attached garage at 1 450 Janero Avenue North (aka Lot 7, Block <br />1, Palmes Long Lake Estates), The property in question is zoned RRA, and <br />the lot contains approximately 5 acres. The City code limits the size of <br />garages to 720 square feet, and the Council has been issuing variances <br />allowing for attached garages that do not exceed the square footage of the <br />residence on site. City staff can see no problem with the issuance of <br />this variance as it is consistent with past Council practice dealing with <br />residential garages. <br />Atkinson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the application of Thomas <br />Garley Construction, on behalf of James Hall, 12450 Janero Avenue (aka Lot <br />71 Block: 1, F°almes Long Lake Estates) for a variance to construct a 768 <br />square foot attached residential garage exceeding the allowable 720 sq ft:. <br />by 48 feet. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CHANGE ORDER *1 <br />The city engineer is recommending a change order providing for 1,100 t.ct;-;s <br />of l.imerock aggregate as =shouldering for the 165th Street overlay project.. <br />The contractor has indicated he will provide the Iimerock aggregate at t.i-;e <br />same unit price bid for the other road construction projects. The total <br />estimated cost, as submitted by the city engineer, is. $10,6,: C+.00 from the <br />General Fund. _ <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the Change girder #1, in <br />the amount of $10,670.00, providing for 1.,100 tons or llmerock aggregate <br />as shouldering for the 165th Street overlay project. <br />All aye. notion Carried. <br />1 NG S <br />When the City went to bids for its CIP, one of the improvement ar-r-:is <br />included was the 146th and 147th street'c:i%-+d L-rC:iss.l.rif_as., ;he tCl'l"al bid <br />to improve e these areas w:-.'- $11,848.00. The C::...ty d"._C(_:rifi_d this phase o <br />