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1989.07.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.07.17 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of July 17, 1989 <br />Page 3 <br />the project as the Burlington Northern Railroad indicated they were going <br />to be making improvements at these intersections if the City did not. <br />Because of the potential inconvenience to the public for an extended <br />period of time, and the difficulties in installing these railroad <br />crossings, City staff is recommending that this item be added back into <br />the project. Valley Paving would then be authorized to proceed to make <br />these improvements as originally bid. They have indicated to us that they <br />will honor their original bid price for this work. After lengthy <br />discussions with the city engineer, we have agreed that the City may be <br />"penny wise and dollar foolish" to try and piecemeal this improvement with <br />three or four different parties involved. No one seems to want to take <br />responsibility for it, and no one will make any commitment as to how and <br />when the work will be done. City staff is recommending that Valley Paving <br />make these improvements, and the City submit a bill to the railroad for <br />reimbursement, taking our chances that they will pay part of the cost. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, to include the improvement of <br />the 146th and 147th Street railroad crossings, in the amount of <br />$11,848.00, in the City's CIP as originally bid. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PETITION FOR PUBLIE-IOPROVEMENI - SIDEWALK <br />Leon and Diane Nadeau have made application to the City of Hugo for <br />sidewalk improvement in front of their store on Highway 61 involving <br />approximately 130' of walkway. The property in question is identified as <br />County Auditor's Plat No. 7, part of Lot 11, Lot 12, and part of Lot 13. <br />The area in question is adjacent to the parking lot which is the primary <br />entrance to Nadeau's Market. It appears from the application submitted <br />that Mr. Nadeau is petitioning for the improvement pursuant to Chapter 429 <br />of the Public Improvement Code. Because of the small size of this <br />project, using Chapter 429 will probably result in the cost of hearings, <br />engineering, administrative fees, and other expenses exceeding the total <br />construction cost of the project itself. The portion of sidewalk in <br />question is definitely in need of repair, and some type of improvement <br />should be considered- This portion of sidewalk has been replaced on two <br />previous occasions by the City in the last five years. Two primary things <br />that the City Council should consider in this request are as follows: 1} <br />The City's desire to pursue this application pursuant to Chapter 429 of <br />the Public Improvement Code, and 2) Does the City want to establish a <br />policy of sidewalk replacement at City expense as opposed to charging the <br />abutting property owners for the improvement? In reviewing this <br />situation, it appears that there are number of avenues that the City <br />Council could pursue to in addressing this request: <br />1. Follow through on the petition as submitted. <br />2. Look into the possibility of patching the sidewalk area in question <br />with bituminous down to the roadway. <br />3. Consider replacement of the entire sidewalk area at the time Highway <br />61 is improved in the next year or two. <br />4. The City Council could take the initiative to improve the entire <br />section of sidewalk adjacent to Highway 61 in the downtown pursuant to <br />Chapter 429 of the Public Improvement Code. <br />
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