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9� <br />City Council meeting of July 17, 1989 <br />Page 5 <br />The City received a letter from White Bear Lake City Administrator, Mark: <br />Sather, regarding Hugo's participation in user fees for the new recreation <br />center- located in the old White Bear Tennis complex south of Highway 96 <br />Mayor Atkinson directed City staff to attend any meetings, if possible, <br />and report to the City Council. Because school district voters turned <br />down the proposal several times, Councilman McAllister did not feel City <br />staff should use their time on this matter. <br />City attorney, Charles Johnson, reported that the attorney for the White <br />Near Rod and Gun Club would like to schedule an informal meeting with him <br />and the gun club's noise expert to determine if there is any area of <br />compromise. Mr. Johnson felt that the meeting could be worthwhile, and <br />recommended that the City Council approve the informal meeting. He <br />assured the Council that he would make no commitments on behalf of the <br />City. Because this matter was not on the agenda, Councilman McAllister <br />did not feel the Council should make a recommendation regarding_ the <br />proposed meeting, and asked that the Council meet in executive session. <br />Atkinson made motion, Vail seconded, that the City Council authorize the <br />City Attorney and noise consultant to meet with representatives of the <br />White Bear Rod and Gun Club to determine if a compromise could be reached <br />relative to the longstanding litigation between the two parties. Mr. <br />Johnson is not to make any commitments on behalf of the City of Hugo, <br />unless authorized by the City Council T <br />VOTING AYE: Jesinsk:i, Olson, Vail <br />VOTING NAY: McAllister, Atkinson <br />Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Atkinson directed City staff to take whatever legal steps are <br />necessary so that the City Council can meet in executive session on August <br />7, 1989, at 6:00 PH, to discuss litigation between the White Bear Rod and <br />Gun Club and the City of Hugo. <br />Vail made motion, Jesinsk:3 seconded, to adjourn at 7:55 PH. <br />All aye. Motion <br />Mar iiiii <br />Creager, <br />i_ i t. Huno <br />Carried. <br />Ci TV erk <br />