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City Council meeting of July 17, 1989 <br />Page 4 <br />5. The City could go in and just repair the driveway entrances at City <br />expense with the understanding that they will be setting a precedent <br />for making similar repairs to other driveway entrances at City expense <br />in the future. <br />6. The City could authorize Mr. Nadeau to make the repairs in question at <br />his expense as per City design requirements, and the City could <br />reimburse Mr. Nadeau for a portion of the cost he would incur in <br />making this improvement. <br />Mayor Atkinson stated that because MNDOT would be upgrading Highway 61 in <br />the next 2 to 3 years, the City Council consider Option #2 to temporarily <br />resolve the problem. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, that the City of Hugo deny the <br />petition of Leon and Diane Nadeau for sidewalk improvement in front their <br />store on Highway 61 involving approximately 1W of walkway at this time, <br />as petitioaned for, in light of the administration cost, and the fact that <br />MNDOT is to improve Highway 61 in the next two to three years. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Atkinson made motion, Vail seconded, authorizing City staff to proceed <br />with the bituminous repair of walkway in front of Nadeau's Market and <br />elsewhere adjacent to Highway 61. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MEETING WITH LINO LAKES OFFICIALS --MAYOR ATK I NSON <br />Mayor Atkinson stated that representatives of Lino Lakes were interested <br />in finding a solution to the Elmcrest Avenue problem. It is's <br />representatives' intent to take the matter to the City Council to see how <br />they would like to proceed with improvements to Elmcrest Avenue. Lino <br />Lakes' administrator, Randy Schumacher, and Hugo's administrator, Ken <br />Haber, will be gettinq toqether to further discuss this matter. <br />RICHARD SCHUH MINING PERMIT - STATUS <br />Mayor Atkinson directed City staff to have an engineering inspection of <br />the Schuh gravel pit, and note in particular, exactly where in the pit the <br />gravel is being obtained to make sure the location is within the <br />boundaries of the legal description provided by Mr. Schuh. <br />City Council meeting of July 17, 1989 <br />Page 4 <br />BUDGET CAi._ENDAF: <br />A budget calendar was submitted to the Council outlining the planned <br />itinerary for adoption of the 1590 budget. <br />M I SCFLLANEO(.JS <br />FOREST i..Ak;E" `v'O(..11-H SERVICE BUREAUR POR <br />A representative from the FLY Service r -amu failed to appear. <br />