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City Council meeting of September 5, 189 <br />Page I <br />JIM L.EROUX <br />Mr. dames Leroux, 4.360 165th Street, appeared before the City Council and <br />stated that, in his opinion, the City's building inspector had <br />over -stepped his authority by asking him if he had a building permit and <br />site plan for the reconstruction of a building on his farm. Mr. Leroux <br />was informed that not all buildings constructed on agricultural property <br />are exempt from building permits. Mr. Henson would need to know the use <br />of the building to determine whether or not a permit was required, and <br />that was the reason that Mr. Henson made his inquiry. <br />Olson made motion, 'Jail seconded, to adjourn at 8:30 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary Ar Creager, City 1 rk- <br />