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/a6 <br />City Council meeting of October 2, 1989 <br />Page 4 <br />BUILDING SETBACK VARIANCE <br />On behalf of Urian Kass, Mr. Bob Moser has made application to the City of <br />Hugo for a variance from the required building setback: line as required by <br />the City Council. The legal description for the site in question is <br />identified as Schedule "C"on the certificate of survey. On November 16, <br />1981, the City Council approved a minor subdivision for Mr. Steve Chapman <br />creating the lot in question. Condition 3 of that minor subdivision <br />approval stated, "Granting of a variance to Parcel 2 for a front setback: <br />requiring that the future residence be built at least 175' behind the <br />cul-de-sac line". The proposed building location by Mr. Nass is 175' from <br />the existing private road to the site in question; however, it does not <br />conform to that special condition with regard to the cul-de-sac line. Mr. <br />Kass is requesting that that special condition be reduced to accommodate <br />the building location as shown on the site plan. The staff has reviewed <br />the files with regard to any reasons for the 175' setback; and can find <br />none. We contacted former elected officials who served on the Council at <br />the time of survey approval in 1981, and there is no indication of any <br />reasons why a residence would be required to set back: that distance from <br />the cul -de --sac line. On the surface, there appears to be no reason for <br />denial of this request, but City staff cannot determine the reason for the <br />original requirement. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of Mr. <br />Bob Moser, on behalf of Brian Kass, for a variance from the previous <br />requirement to set a building 175' from the cul-de-sac line to allow a <br />setback of 140'. The property is identified as 12855 Goodview Avenue. <br />Building setbacks shall be as per the approved site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AMENDED SUP FOR BOATHOUSE <br />Mr. Richard Charest, 12770 Homestead Drive, Hugo, MN., has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for an amended SUP to allow construction <br />of a boathouse on Lot B, Royalhaven Estates lst Addition. The 10' x 16' <br />proposed building, currently under construction, is to be used as a <br />boathouse to store boats and related boating equipment. The property in <br />question is zoned RR2, and is approximately one acre in size. The <br />boathouse is to be located approximately 40' from the shoreline of Sunset <br />Lake, and 12' from the south property line. The primary reason for this <br />request is because there are no other structures on site, and the <br />boathouse would be the principal structure until a residence is located <br />thereon. At the September 27, 1989 Planning Commission public hearing, <br />Mr. Charest's neighbor to the south appeared before the Commission and <br />objected to the location of the boathouse as it would be visibly between <br />his home and the lakeshore. Mr. Sean Hallet questioned whether or not the <br />building being constructed would actually be a boathouse or was going to <br />be used for something other than that proposed by the applicant. The Citi <br />has received a letter from the DNR indicating that they have no objection <br />to the plan proposed. Mr. Charest openly admitted to the Planning <br />Commission that he does not intend to store any boats in this building, <br />but storage will be for his watersk:is, life preservers, oars, outboard <br />