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/J 7 <br />City Council meeting of October 2, 1989 <br />Page 5 <br />motors, and other boating -related equipment. The property in question was <br />involved in a SUP in October of 1985, at which time the applicant <br />requested permission to fill certain areas on site. Planninq Commission <br />chairman, Richard Senk:ler, inquired whether it was the intent of Mr. <br />Charest to use this building for recreational purposes and put a <br />screened -in porch on the lakeside of this building. Mr. Charest responded <br />in the negative indicating again that the building would be used for <br />storage of boating equipment only and for no other purpose. After further <br />discussion, the Hugo Planning Commission recommended approval of the <br />amended SUP for a 10' x 16' boathouse on Lot 8, Royalhaven Estates 1st <br />Addition, subject to special conditions. <br />In light of the Q'C's recommendation, and the proximity of this lot to the <br />principal residence across the street, McAllister made motion, Vail <br />seconded, to approve the application of Richard Charest for an amended <br />Special Use Permit for the construction of a 10' x 16' boathouse on Lot 8, <br />Royalhaven Estates 1st Addition, subject to the following special <br />conditions: <br />1. The boathouse shall be located as per the site plan submitted. <br />2. The boathouse shall be used only for the storage of boats and related <br />equipment as defined in the City's shoreland management ordinance. <br />3. The structure in question shall not be used for human habitation or <br />other recreational uses. <br />4. The building shall be constructed as per City building codes and shall <br />be properly anchored. <br />5. The applicant shall pay double permit fees for failure to apply for <br />the proper permit prior to proceeding with the construction of this <br />building. <br />6. No exterior storage of vehicles or other equipment shall be permitted <br />on site prior to construction of a principal residence on said lot. <br />7. The applicant shall secure the required driveway permit if a driveway <br />is constructed on site. <br />B. The boathouse shall be maintained in a secure and safe condition at <br />all times. <br />9. Failure to comply with the conditions of this special use permit shall <br />warrant revocation of same and require removal of the boathouse. <br />10. Applicant agrees to allow inspection of the facility at reasonable <br />times to assure compliance with the conditions of this special use <br />permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SUP REQUEST FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING <br />Mr. Dan Santanni, 1019 W. Sherren St., Roseville, MN., has made <br />application to the City of Huqo for the construction of a 40' x 54' pole <br />barn in an agricultural zone prior to construction of a principal <br />residence. Mr. Santanni owns approximately 80 acres north of 1225th Street <br />on the property generally described as the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section <br />33, T31N, R21W, Washington County, MN. Mr. Santanni indicated that there <br />is currently an old shed and an existing pumphouse on the site in <br />question, and he would like to locate a pole barn on the site for the <br />purpose of stori.nq crops and grains harvested on his property. Mr. <br />