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/3/ <br />MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1989 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: McAllister, Jesinski, Olson, Vail, Att%inson <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />City Clerk:, Mary Ann Creager <br />Jesk:inski made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the minutes for the <br />regular City Council meeting of October 2, 1989 as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the claims for October 16, <br />1989 in the amount of $198,841.90. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SET BUDGET HEARING DATES <br />The City Finance Director, Ran Otk:in, has reviewed the new requirements of <br />the Commissioner of Revenue regarding compliance with Truth in Taxation, <br />and is recommending the following dates for Council action: <br />1. The preliminary tax levy be acted on by the City Council at their <br />November b, 1989 regular meeting. <br />2. The formal budget hearing for review and adoption of the City's <br />general fund budget be set for December 4, 1989 along with approval of the <br />final tax levy. <br />AtE::inson made motion, Olson seconded, that the City Council set December <br />4, 1989 as the public hearing to adopt the City's general fund budget and <br />approve the final tax levy. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - ACCESSORY BLDG (D. SANTANNI) <br />Mr. Dan Santanni of 1019 W. Sherren Street, Roseville, MN., has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for the construction of a 40' x 54' pole <br />barn in an agricultural zone prior to construction of a principal <br />residence. This matter was reviewed by the Hugo City Council at their <br />October 2, 1989 regular meeting. Action on this request was tabled by the <br />City Council pending submittal of the required documents as required by <br />the Hugo Planning Commission or consolidation of the property in question <br />into one 80 acre tract. Information provided by the county auditor's <br />office indicates that Mr. Santanni is now fee owner of the 8i_) acre tract <br />in question, and has made application requesting the combining of property <br />into a single tax parcel. Mr. Santanni submitted a petition signed by <br />residents adjacent to his property indicating that they had no objection <br />to the construction of the pole barn in question. The City staff <br />indicated some concern regarding the use of the building for other than <br />agricultural purposes. <br />Because there was previously a principal residence on the property, and <br />there are existing accessory buildings on the property already, Olson <br />