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13Z <br />City Council meeting of October 16, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />made motion, Jesinski seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br />application of Mr. Dan Santanni for the construction of a 40' „ 54' pole <br />barn in an agricultural zone prior to construction of a principal <br />residence. The property is described as the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of <br />Section -3, T31N, R21W. Approval of the SUP is subject to the following <br />special conditions: <br />1. A building permit shall be secured from the City. <br />2. The site shall be properly staked, and the building be located where <br />it is shown on the site plan. <br />3. The building shall be used for storage of crop/grain and farm <br />equipment only. <br />4. The building shall not be used for commercial or recreational <br />activities of any kind or in conjunction with the ZAP Games previously <br />permitted on the north 40 acres of the site in question. <br />5. If the owner initiates any action to subdivide all or a portion of the <br />80 acre site described, he shall be required to post a $3,000 letter <br />of credit with the City assuring that a residential structure will be <br />constructed on the site where the proposed building will exist. Said <br />construction will take place within three years of the submitted <br />letter of credit. <br />6. No exterior storage of equipment or materials shall be permitted on <br />site. <br />7. Representatives of the City be allowed access to the site at <br />reasonable times to assure compliance with this permit. <br />S. The site shall be consolidated into a single 8!? acre tract. <br />9. Violations of this special use permit will result in the review of <br />this special use permit and possible revocation of same. <br />10. The special use permit issued for Zap Games, Inc. be revoked and no <br />further commercial recreational activity be conducted on this <br />property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRELIMINARY FLAT APPROVAL - ST. SAUVER'S WESTVIEW ADDITION <br />Mrs. Lorraine St. Sauver has made application to the City of Hugo for the <br />subdivision of a 60 acre tract of land into 6 lots, approximately 10 acres <br />each. The property in question is zoned agricultural, and is located at <br />the northwest corner of Homestead Avenue and 132nd Street. Mrs. St. <br />Sauver is also asE::ing for a variance that would allow for the platting of <br />Lot 4 at 9.8 acres. Percolation tests were completed for all lots in <br />question, and all were determined suitable for construction of individual <br />sewage treatment systems by the Washington County Planning Dept. The City <br />has received copies of the approved permits from the RCWD. Subdivision of <br />this property into 10 acre lots is consistent with the City's zoning <br />ordinance and comprehensive plan. No developer's agreement is required as <br />no public improvements are proposed for the tract in question. This <br />request was reviewed by the Hugo Planning Commission at a public hearing <br />on August 23, 1989 at which time said Commission recommended preliminary <br />plat approval. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the preliminary plat of St. <br />Sauver's Westview Addition, for the SUbdivicion of a 60 acre tract of land <br />