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13's- <br />City <br />3S <br />City Council meeting of October 16, 1989 <br />Page 5 <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING VARIANCE FROM CHAPTER 263 OF MUNICIPAL CODE <br />City staff has met with representatives of Washington County and various <br />soil testing companies to discuss alternate methods of meeting City code <br />requirements as it relates to individual sewage treatment systems. After <br />lengthy discussions regarding the ability to provide for alternate systems <br />to comply with the intent of the City's ordinance, it was recommended that <br />the best way to deal with this matter is to authorize the City Code <br />Enforcement Officer to grant an administrative variance from Sections <br />501.02-7 and 502.02-2F of the ordinance. It is important to note that no <br />variance would be granted allowing for exceptions to the ordinance unless <br />suitable, technical information has been provided by qualified individuals <br />demonstrating that the alternate method is equal to, or exceeds the <br />requirements of the ordinance. Typically, this type of request would be <br />handled by a formal application and Council review; however, in an effort <br />to expedite these types of variances, the City staff is recommending that <br />the Code Enforcement Officer be authorized to grant variances to these <br />sections of the code. If the Code Enforcement Officer fails to grant a <br />variance requested, the applicant still has the right to file a formal <br />variance request with the City Council. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1989-22, <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUANCE OF VARIANCE FROM CERTAIN <br />SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE 1989-256, CHAPTER 263 OF THE HUGO MUNICIPAL CODE. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, JesinsF::i, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Motion Carried. <br />Upon completion of an inspection of the City's street signs, the City <br />staff is recommending the installation of certain stop signs in the City <br />of Hugo. The city administrator reviewed the sign replacement program <br />with the Council, and was authorized to proceed as recommended. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1989-23, <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS IN THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, Jesinsk-i, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Motion Carried. <br />WILSON TOOL - ROAD USE REQUEST <br />The City received a letter from Wilson Tool requesting use of the Farnham <br />Avenue right-of-way for access to their newly constructed parking lot. <br />Earlier this year, the City Council approved a site plan authorizing <br />construction of the parking lot south of their facility with access to <br />130th Street identified as being on Wilson Tool property. Wilson Tool is <br />now requesting that access be from the improved roadway in question. This <br />request is inconsistent with current City policy regarding the <br />construction of a road without a blacktop surface. Of particular concern <br />to City staff would be the design of the temporary roadway, and the legal <br />liability of the City with regard to maintenance of the roadway by Wilson <br />Tool. <br />