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/S41 <br />City Council meeting of December 4, 1989 <br />Page 6 <br />Councilman McAllister: <br />1. Delete for consideration a single refuse hauler- for the City. <br />2. More long-range consideration of a well site location. <br />Private utility system for the City. <br />4. Encourage finance director to stay in HUgo after graduation. <br />5. Delete new Fire Hall from priorities list. <br />Hugo resident, E=:athy Marier, offered the following suggestions for <br />consideration: <br />1. Safety crossing at 145th Street or 146th Street. <br />^. Improve tennis courts adjacent to City Hall. <br />3. Turn City Hall into a recreation center. <br />4. Coordinate Sister Cities Program with area schools. <br />CIP REPORT (CITY ENGINEER) <br />City Engineer, Howard KUUsisto, submitted a written report on the status <br />of the Capital Improvement Project. <br />WHITE BEAR ROD AND GUN CLUB STATUS REPORT (CITY ATTORNEY) <br />The city attorney was unable to attend tonight's meeting, and will maF:e <br />his report at the regular Council meeting of 12/ie/89. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />The City Council stated their appreciation for the excellent job the <br />Finance Director performed in conjunction with the preparation of the 1990 <br />budget. <br />City Administrator, F::en Huber., and Mayor Atkinson attended a Lino Lakes <br />City Council meeting on November 27, 1989 to discuss the improvement of <br />Elmcrest Avenue. The Lino Lakes Council. is proceeding with a feasibility <br />study, and there is some hope that there will road improvement on Elmcrest <br />Avenue, between County Road 14 and Bald Eagle Lake, by the summer of 1990. <br />Anoka County and Washington County have gone on record that they will not <br />be involved in any improvement project. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT RESIGNATION <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to accept the resignation of <br />Floyd Nettleton from the Hugo Fire Department effective 11/'0>/89. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />CABLE TV NORTH CENTRAL (LETTER OF CREDIT). <br />Atkinson made motion, Vail seconded, authorizing reduction in Cable TV <br />North Central's letter of credit from $25,0im r to $5,C)OO per the Franchise <br />Agreement. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />