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1989.11.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.11.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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7ity Council meeting of November 20, 1989 <br />,age 3 <br />sand from this area; however, any efforts to intensify the use of this <br />property or provide for industrial or commercial use of same, would be <br />inconsistent with the City's comprehensive plan at this time. In that the <br />City has no contour map on file with regard to the activities taking place <br />on site by Mr. Indykiewicz, City staff recommends that prior to issuing a <br />permit in 1990, Mr. Indykiewicz prepare a topographic map showing the <br />existing contours and proposed final elevations for the site. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to renew the Mining Permit for <br />George Indykiewicz until November 1, 1990,, subject to the previous <br />conditions as amended and set forth by the City. Mining permit not to be <br />renewed until current certificate of insurance submitted as identified in <br />Condition #22 of the permit. <br />All aye' Motion Carried. <br />TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT (KEYSTONE BUILDERS) <br />This matter was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of Mr. Bob Kiewel <br />on behalf of Keystone Builders. <br />8.2 SISTER CITY MEMBERSHIP <br />Donsistent with previous Council discussions, the City staff is <br />-ecommending that the City of Hugo apply for membership in Sister Cities <br />International which will provide with assistance and guidance in pursuing <br />the Sister Cities Program for the City of Hugo. Sister Cities <br />International gives the community a central clearing point to which it can <br />turn to obtain assistance and information about programs. It provides <br />direct access with embassies, government agencies, and organizational <br />resources in the United States and throughout the world. Communities, <br />such as Hugo, simply do not have the resources to pursue this type of <br />effort, but in cooperation with other communities, and with the resources <br />of the National Association, the City's goals could be accomplished. <br />Sister Cities International is a membership organization, and charges a <br />minimum fee to cover the expenses of publications and consulting services <br />to assist U.S. communities in forming new affiliations. Membership dues <br />are usually paid by the city. The city pays half the annual dues as a <br />service fee during the initial stage of program formation. Based on the <br />current population of the City of Hugo, are initial application fee would <br />be $100.00 of which the City would have to pay $50.00 up front' The <br />annual dues for membership, after initial membership, would be $100.00 per <br />year. <br />After a lengthy discussion regarding the pro's and con's of this project, <br />and with the understanding that the City could withdraw should a lack of <br />interest be shown, the following motion was made: <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, that the City of Hugo apply for <br />membership in Sister Cities International, for an initial application fee <br />of $100.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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