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City Council meeting of November 20, 1989 <br />Page <br />b. Securing the required permits from the watershed district, DNR, and <br />the Army Corps of Engineers is required prior to final survey <br />approval. <br />7. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recordinq documents with Washington County. <br />S. Payment of fee in lieu of parkland dedication ($350.00) shall be paid <br />to the City prior to final. plat approval. <br />9. No improvements, landscaping, or grading shall be permitted in the <br />defined drainage areas without the express written authorization of <br />the City and the approved watershed district. <br />10. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenenace of drainage <br />areas within easements on their property. <br />11. The developer shall comply with all requirements and restritions <br />applicable to identified wetlands. <br />12. No significant deviations from the approved survey shall be permitted <br />unless reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to Council approval. <br />13. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with the minor subdivision. <br />14. Legal descriptions of all parcels to be subdivided shall be included. <br />15. Road easements for the Elmcrest Avenue road alignment shall be deeded <br />to the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINING PERMIT RENEWAL EG. INDYKIEWICZ <br />Mr. George Indykiewicz of 1920 Highway 96, New Brighton, MN., has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for renewal of a Mining Permit to mine <br />black: dirt and sand -fill from his property generally described as the W <br />1/2 of N 1/2 of Section 17, T31N, R21W, in the City of Hugo. The property <br />in question is located in both Conservancy and Agricultural zoning <br />districts, and consists of approximately 165 acres. Dating back to the <br />early 1970's, Mr. Indykiewicz has been mining black dirt and other fill <br />materials from the site in question, and the City has renewed this <br />application on an annual basis subject to compliance with the special <br />conditions of the Mining Permit. In reviewinq the existing Mining Permit, <br />City staff would comment as follows: <br />1. Item #5 seems to be inconsistent with the application itself. Mr. <br />Indyk:iewicz is requesting to remove the topsoil from the site, yet <br />Item #5 says the topsoil shall be replaced and the area seeded. <br />2. Item #8 of the permit has not been complied with as is the case for <br />Item #14. <br />As of the time of this memorandum, the City has not been provided with <br />proof of liability insurance as per Item # of the permit. In light of <br />inquiries by Mr. Indyk:iewicz earlier this year for constructing buildings <br />on the site in question, City staff would like to make special note of <br />Item #6 of the Mining Permit, and the City's zoning ordinance which <br />prohibits other types of commercial or industrial activities in <br />Conservancy and Agricultural zones. City staff can see no problem with <br />the request before the City Council regarding removal of black: dirt and <br />