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14 <br />Janaury 20, 1987 <br />Councilman Potts had a list of items he wanted to discuss: <br />1. He asked that Administrator Huber inquire as to how Hugo can be served by <br />cable T.V. <br />2. Classes for newly appointed commissioners and elected officials: The Council <br />had previously authorized city officials to attend any instructional seminars <br />or conferences they wanted at city expense. <br />3. Recycling agreement: Agreement is still an open issue. <br />4. Planning Commission meetings: Councilman Potts felt that the Planning Commission <br />should continue scheduling two meetings a month (2nd and 4th Wednesday). After <br />further discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman had the option of holding <br />the second meeting if required. <br />5. Water Management Plan: Councilman Potts was informed that a copy of the Plan <br />was available at City Hall for his review. <br />12.0 Adjournment <br />Motion made by Peltier, Vail seconded, to adjourn at 8:50 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />-mac <br />Maryn Creager, Cit Clerk <br />