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13 <br />January 20, 1987 <br />8.B. Temporary Mobile Home Permit (Eugene Shultz) <br />Mr. Eugene Shultz, 8340 140th Street, has made application to the City of Hugo for a <br />temporary Mobile Home Permit for the above referenced address pursuant to Chapter 40, <br />Article III, Subdiviison B, of the municipal code. The initial permit was approved <br />on July 5, 1983, subject to providing a $500 irrevocable letter of credit, and the <br />mobile home being moved by July 1, 1385. Mr. Shultz originally received Council <br />approval when he indicated he needed the mobile home for a temporary residence while <br />he was constructing a new home on the same site. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, to renew the temporary Mobile Home Permit <br />for Eugene Shultz, 8340 140th Street, for 90 days (4/5/87). The City Clerk is directed <br />to write Mr. Shultz informing him of the renewal and notifying him that the mobile <br />home must be removed from the property prior to the permit expiration date (4/5/87). <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />11.0 Miscellaneous <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, submitted a spread sheet listing costs and certain <br />specifications for lease of' copying machines. The present machine is between six and <br />eight years old and copies only 10 to 12 sheets per minute with very poor quality. <br />Because city staff will be increasing their use of the copy machine, Mr. Huber <br />felt their time spent at the machine would be better spent elsewhere. In the past <br />two weeks, the staff had use of two machines (low bidders) and felt that the Canon <br />copier, although not equipped with auto -duplexing, would handle the demand of the office. <br />The Canon would cost the city $178.60 per month which includes all service and mainte- <br />nance. Paper cost is extra. <br />Motion made by Potts, Olson seconded, that the City Administrator be authorized to <br />enter into a 60 -month contract for the lease of a Canon Unit NP -3525F at $178.60 per <br />month from International Office Systems. <br />VOTING AYE: Olson, Potts, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Atkinson informed the Council that he has received notification from the Metro <br />Council that there are openings on two agencies (Metro Waste Control Commission and <br />Open Space) for districts including the City of Hugo. Any one interested in serving <br />on one of these two agencies should contact him. <br />10.0 Attorney and Engineer <br />Mr. Johnson submitted his monthly report. Regarding the "NSP/Joe Stane ayorellain§on <br />asked that Messrs. Huber, Johnson, and Kuusisto meet and make a summarization of <br />what has transpired over the years. Mayor Atkinson asked that the summarization be <br />presented to the Council for discussion at their meeting of February 17, 1987. <br />Engineer Kuusisto submitted his monthly report. The feasiblity study for HUGO MEADOWS <br />is in progress, but cannot be completed until Mr. Kuusisto and engineers for Harstad <br />Development come to some kind of agreement for ponding areas within the development. <br />There are no specifics as to how the ditching to the south of the development is going <br />to be dealt with. <br />