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is February 2, 1987 <br />8.D. Special Use Permit (Craig Elsner) <br />Craig and Lynn Elsner have made application for Site Plan Approval to construct <br />a metal pole building in an agricultural district for his personal use. The <br />property in question is 10 acres in size, and is generally described as 8776 130th <br />Street North (Section 26, T31N, R21W). The building proposed would be 40' in <br />width and approximately 60' in length. Mr. Elsner has indicated his request is <br />to accommodate the storage of his family car, tractor, hay baler, haw mower, <br />and other farm equipment on the site in question. Because the submitted site plan <br />was not dimensioned, it was difficult to determine the appropriate setbacks and <br />the number of buildings actually on the site at this time. The site plan indicates <br />the approximate location of the proposed building and the 30 x 80 hay.barn. <br />Mr. Elsner also noted a building he is going to tear down if he is permitted to <br />construct the building in question. The municipal code requires that in an agri- <br />culture zone, the maximum square footage of a farm building and accessory storage <br />is 3600 square feet for property less than 20 acres in size. Because the request <br />of Mr. Elsner would allow for the farm building and storage in excess of 3600 <br />square feet, he is required to secure a special Use Permit to allow for the <br />additional building square footage. The Hugo Planning Commission unanimously <br />approved the Special Use Permit and site plan submited, subject to certain con- <br />ditions, at their January 28, 1987 regular meeting. <br />Motion made by Olson, Vail seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit for Craig <br />Elsner allowing for the construction of a 40 x 60 pole barn, subject to the fol- <br />lowing conditions: <br />1. The total square footage of the accessory buildings not exceed 4800 square ft. <br />2. An approved, fully -dimensioned site plan, indicating the exact location of <br />the building in question, be submitted at the time the building permit is <br />issued. <br />3. The buildings on site be used only for purposes permitted in an AG zone. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />10.A. Cable Communication System Report <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, submitted a draft report regarding the procedures <br />the city should following if it is desirous of attracting a cable communications <br />company to serve the City of Hugo. The information included in this report is <br />based on data received from the Commissioner of Commerce regarding the franchising <br />of cable communications companies by municipalities. Copies of this memorandum <br />have been forwarded to the City's Engineer and Attorney for ,their review. After <br />discussion of this report with the Council, Mr. Huber was directed to obtain <br />model franchise ordinances for the Council's review. - <br />11. Miscellaneous <br />The City Council was provided <br />the State's sales tax in that <br />the 6% sales tax. <br />Governor's <br />with information regarding the/proposed change in <br />local municipalities would no longer be exempt from <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Potts seconded, that the City Council authorizes the <br />staff to write a letter indicating City Council opposition to adding <br />6% sales tax to city purchases. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />