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19 <br />February 2, 1987 <br />The city staff was directed to contact former Mayor, Mike McAllister, and former <br />Councilmen, Charles Schwab and James Hauer, asking their presence at the next Council <br />meeting of 2/17/87. <br />Councilman, Deane Vail, inquired as to whether there was anything could be done <br />regarding the deterioration of the residence at 14663 Forest Boulevard. The house <br />has been vacant for over a year, and is in serious disrepair. The Building Inspector <br />and City Administrator will investigate as to what steps can be taken to have the <br />problem remedied. <br />Joe Holstad was present to discuss an error in property lines for property located <br />by Horseshoe Lake. Mr. Holstad was instructed to contact the City Administrator <br />during working hours to determine what has to be done to correct the property line <br />problem. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Potts seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ki <br />Mary Creager, City erk <br />