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1987.03.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.03.16 CC Minutes
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31 <br />March 16, 1987 <br />Stanek/NSP controversy <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, directing the staff to make contact <br />with persons owning property adjoining the roadway right-of-way in an attempt <br />to obtain voluntary easements into the Joseph Stanek property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.B Approval of Recycling Agreement <br />Earlier this year, Washington County submitted a Memorandum of Agreement to the <br />City of Hugo that would authorize county payment of approximately $1200 to the <br />Hugo Recycling Center. City Attorney, Charles Johnson, questioned a section of <br />the agreement that requires that the city will hold the county harmless from <br />any claims arising out of negligence in the operation of the recycling center. <br />Mr. Johnson recommended that although the county may require this language in <br />the agreement, there should also be a provision that the county will hold the <br />city harmless from any claims resulting from negligence by the county. After <br />a review of this agreement by the county attorney's office, they have agreed <br />to provide such language in the contract. Execution of this agreement is <br />necessary to provide grant funding for the Hugo Recycling Center. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, that the City Council authorize the <br />Mayor to execute the/Memorandum Agreement on behalf of the City of Hugo. <br />revise <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.0 Boy Scout Troop #151 Recycling Agreement <br />In addition to entering into a formalized agreement with Washington County for <br />grant funds to run the Hugo Recycling Center, the city is also required to enter <br />into an agreement with Boy Scout Troop #151 regarding same. The agreement, <br />essentially, designates the Boy Scout Troop as the operators of the recycling <br />center and requires certain performance standards. In the Fall of 1986, Boy <br />Scout Troop #151 appeared before the Council with a proposal for operation of the <br />recycling center. The proposed resolution is consistent with county requirements, <br />the Boy Scout Troop plan of operation, and recommendations from the City Attorney. <br />This agreement is necessary if the city is to secure the desired grant from <br />Washington County. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-33, A RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING THE RECYLCING CENTER AGREEMENT WITH HUGO BOY SCOUT TROOP #151. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.D Appointment of Solid Waste Committee <br />As per the Solid Waste Management Masterplan for Washington County, the City is <br />required to appoint a solid waste advisior committee to the City Council to deal <br />with future solid waste issues. Mr. Jim Hulbert of Washington County has indicated <br />that all cities and townships are required to comply with the county's masterplan <br />and that, although some cities have appointed a special advisior committee, many <br />communities have appointed their Planning Commission or other existing committees <br />to serve as the advisory gorup to the City Council. The option of how the city <br />wishes to proceed with this matter is up to Council discretion. <br />
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