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1987.03.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.03.16 CC Minutes
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32 <br />March 16, 1987 <br />Administrator Huber stated that the city should have a committee "on the books" <br />and that the committee could be changed at any time. This committee would not <br />need to meet on a regular bais, only when necessary. Mr. Robert Lindell, <br />17115 Farnham Avenue, member of Scout Troop 151, stated that he would like to <br />serve on the solid waste Committee. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Olson seconded, that the following individuals be desig- <br />nated as Hugo's Solid Waste Committee: Bob Olson, Teddy Peltier, Arthur Potts, <br />Deane Vail, George Atkinson, and Robert Lindell. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.E Compost Site Proposal for Hugo <br />Mr. Jim Hulbert, Washington County Health Department, has indicated that the <br />City of Hugo is being considered for a compost site to serve the White Bear Lake, <br />Hugo, and Mahtomedi areas. Providing a compost site in the City of Hugo would <br />be a significant step in meeting our mandated requirements for solid waste <br />alternatives that must be complied with by 1988. To properly facilitate a <br />compost site, we would need a 3 acre tract of land located somewhere in the <br />southwestern part of the community. If a city owned or leased site can be <br />secured, the county will pay for the cost of constructing roadways, fences, <br />gates, and other necessary access to the site. The county will either maintain <br />the site or pay the city for maintenance of the site. The city may also charge <br />for use of the site, and some communities have made their compost sites profit <br />making, in that some refuse haulers need an economical alternative to dumpsites, <br />and the city could charge refuse haulers for dumping at the compost site. <br />Representatives of the Washington County Health Department are strongly <br />encouraging the city look into the possibility of providing a site herein Hugo. <br />The Council was in agreement that this would be a good project, and suggested <br />that the Administrator get some one from Washington County to appear at a <br />Council meeting to describe the operation. <br />8.A Resolution Authorizing Closeout of Sinking Fund <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager, has noted that the final principal and interest <br />payment on the bonds for the 1975 Storm Sewer Sinking Fund have been made. After <br />the final payment was made, there is a balance in the fund account of approximately <br />$23,000.00. We have discussed this situation in detail with the city auditors, <br />and they concur that the balance in this sinking fund and any delinquent assess- <br />ments collected be deposited in other city sinking funds. In that the assess- <br />ments for the Lake Air Estates public improvement project have been prepaid by <br />the developer, and the city has no call provision for prepayment of bonds, we <br />are recommending that the balance remianing in the 1975 Storm Sewer Sinking <br />fund be transferred to the Lake Air Estates Sinking Fund. <br />Motion made by Vail, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-34, A RESOLUTION <br />AUTHORIZING THE CLOSEOUT OF 1975 STORM SEWER SINKING FUND. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.B Fire Department Recruitment Procedure <br />A minitrator <br />Fire Chief, Ron Istvanovich, and the Cit ave Teen working on the development <br />of a procedure to handle the recruitment of future firefighters for the Hugo <br />Fire Department. It is our intent to handle recruitment on a quarterly basis, <br />and that each applicant follow the same procedure and be thoroughly screened <br />before being appointed by the City Council. <br />
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