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42 <br />April 20, 1987 <br />3. The site remain in a 20 acre tract which is necessary to accommodate the <br />number of accessory buildings on the site. <br />4. All activities on the site in question are in compliance with the municipal code. <br />Attorney Johnson stated that in the past, the city required that in a case similar <br />to this situation, the two parcels be joined to create a single piece of property <br />with one legal description thereby creating the required lot size. In the event <br />the two parcels could not be combined because of problems with mortgaging, the <br />city placed restrictions on the parcels in that they could be not be subdivided. <br />Mr. Otto stated that he has fee title to the 15 acres and would have fee title to <br />the 5 acres within 30 days. Mr. Otto stated the the city has "his word" that there <br />would be no subdivision of his property, and that steps would be taken to have the <br />two parcels combined. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Potts seconded, to approve the site plan as submitted by <br />Wally Otto, for the construction of a 54 x 90 pole barn on part of N2 of the SW4 <br />of Section 26, T31N, R21W, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The 54 x 90 pole barn building not be used for commercial or industrial pur- <br />poses at any time. <br />2. No additional buildings be constructed on site without first securing a building <br />permit from the City of Hugo. <br />3. The site remain in a 20 acre tract which is necessary to accommodate the number <br />of accessory buildings on the site. <br />4. All activities on the site in question are in compliance with the municipal code. <br />5. The 5 and 15 acre tracts of land be resubdivided into one parcel. This resub- <br />division process shall begin within 90 days. <br />This approval for Mr. Otto's site plan shall also reference the 6 conditions <br />stipulated in Mr. John Hennen's letter to former Mayor, J. Michael McAllister, <br />dated August 27, 1986. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.B Review Engineering Report (Hugo Meadows) <br />Mr. Kuusisto was unavailable for tonight's meeting. This matter will be placed on <br />the agenda for the City Council meeting of May 4, 1987. <br />8.A Accept Annual Municipal Audit <br />The city's auditors have completed the audit of the general and utility funds for <br />the 1986 fiscal year. <br />Motion made by Potts, Peltier seconded, to accept the annual municipal audit for <br />the 1986 fiscal year. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.B Establish Taxing District for Brown's Creek WMO <br />Minnesota statute permits the establishment of taxing districts for watershed orga- <br />nizations to fund themselves. Currently, the City .of Hugo levies approximately <br />