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1987.04.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.04.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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43 <br />April 20, 1987 <br />$1,000.00 annually from its general fund to pay the city's share of operation of the <br />Brown's Creek WMO. If Minnesota statute permits establishment of the taxing districts, <br />we would recommend that the city discontinue this tax levy from the general fund, and <br />the appropriate steps be taken to allow Brown's Creek to levy taxes in the City of Hugo <br />to support the city's share of the organization. Mayor Atkinson questioned whether <br />the general fund could recoup the money paid them in years past. <br />Motion made by Potts, Vail seconded, directing the city attorney to advise the Council <br />as to what methodsare required for the forming of a Brown's Creek WMO taxing district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.0 Use of County for On-site Septic Inspections <br />Currently, the City of Hugo does not inpsect and certify on-site septic systems. The <br />city receives numerous requests each month from property owners who need a septic <br />system inspection prior to securing financing for the purchase/refinancing of existing <br />homes. In 1986, the City Council passed a resolution stating that the city would <br />not provide inspections or certification services for wells or septic systems. This <br />policy has created a great deal of difficulty for existing and future residents of <br />Hugo when obtaining home financing. Washington County code enforcement officials <br />have indicated a willingness to provide this service to residents if the city wishes <br />to enter a contractural agreement with the county for this service. Cost of the <br />service would be borne by those requesting the inspection, and all paperwork would <br />be handled by the county. The county will not certify a system if,in their opinion, <br />a septic system is defective. <br />Motion made by Potts that Hugo enter into an agreement with Washington County for <br />inspection of on-site septic systems for purposes of certification for financial <br />institutions. <br />Potts withdrew his motion. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, authorizing the staff to draft an agreement <br />with Washington County for submittal to the City Council for their review. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.D Authorize Summer Intern <br />In reviewing the record keeping needs of the city, I am recommending that the City <br />Council authorize recruitment of an administrative intern for a 17 week period during <br />summer and fall of this year. The estimated cost of a graduate -level intern would <br />be approximately $2,800 (32 hours per week, $5.00/hour) for this period. The primary <br />responsibility of the intern would be as follows: <br />1. Establish an address filing system beginning with zoning and code enforcement <br />records. <br />2. Set up a certificate of survey filing system, and make sure all certificates of <br />survey, approved by the city, have been recorded with the county. <br />3. Set up a filing system for subdivision plats. <br />4. Locate and record unrecorded easements. <br />5. Assist with preparation of the comprehensive plan map. <br />6. Prepare composite plat map for daily reference. <br />7. Perform other duties as required by the city administrator <br />
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