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April 20, 1987 <br />Valley View Terrace is a plat of record and part of the development of Hugo Meadows <br />but -not part of the subdivision.- The -Council reaffirmed that any new homes in this <br />area must be connected to sewer and watermains. John Johnson, Herila and Associates, <br />engineers representing Harstad and Associates, was present for this discussion, and <br />stated that he will inform Harstad and Associates that the City of Hugo will require <br />a letter of agreement from them stating that no certificates of occupancy will be <br />issued until Lots 7 and 8 are connected to city water and sewer. After receipt of <br />this letter of agreement from Harstad and Associates and the builders, building <br />permits can then be issued. <br />Mayor Atkinson stated that he would like the Fire Chief's comments regarding whether <br />6" watermains are adequate to serve fire hydrants in Hugo Meadows. <br />At this point, Hugo Meadows has only sketch plan approval. After acceptance of the <br />feasibility study, the preliminary plat must then go before the Planning Commission <br />(May 27, 1987) for approval. <br />11. Miscellaneous <br />Marvin Cofer directed correspondence to Councilman Deane Vail regarding the cleaning <br />of drainage ditches adjacent to his property in Oakshore Park. Because of ponding <br />of water to the rear of his property, his septic system is unable to function properly. <br />A rough guess is that approximately 1,000 feet of ditch would need to be cleaned <br />which would mean an expensive project. Councilman Vail was instructed to contact <br />Mr. Cofer informing him that the city has suggested that he obtain a petition for <br />public improvement from adjoining property owners for submission to the city. <br />With the petition in hand, the city can request an engineering study for the ditch - <br />cleaning, and assess the improvement to the benefiting property owners. <br />Mayor Atkinson inquired about the next steps the city would need to take to establish <br />a compost site within the city. City Administrator, Ken Huber, stated that the <br />summer intern could attempt to find possible sites for a composting facility. <br />12. Adjournment <br />Motion made by Vail, Peltier seconded, to adjourn at 9:00 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary?fHugo <br />reager, Clerk <br />City <br />