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M11 <br />April 20, 1987 <br />The establishment of a sound record keeping system can save hundreds of hours <br />annually in staff research time. Although many improvements have been made in <br />the filing system to date, it would be virtually impossible to go back and dig <br />up all old records to see that they are put in the property files with the <br />existing staff. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Olson seconded, that the City Council authorize the <br />City Administrator to hire a summer intern with the following primary responsi- <br />bilities: <br />1. Establish an address filing system beginning with zoning and code enforcement <br />records. <br />2. Set up a certificate of survey filing system and make sure all certificates <br />of survey, approved by the city, have been recorded with the county. <br />3. Set up a filing system for shbdivision plats. <br />4. Locate and record unrecorded easements. <br />5. Assist with preparation of the comprehensive plan map. <br />6. Prepare composite plat map for daily reference. <br />7. Perform other duties as required by the city administrator. <br />VOTING AYE: Potts, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />8.E Authorize Computer Purchase <br />In the Fall of 1986, the City Council budgeted approximately $6,000 for the pur- <br />chase of computer hardware and software for the city's administrative offices. <br />To date, the city has ordered one Epson Equity II computer with printer and <br />necessary software for wordprocessing ( cost $2,400.00). Because of changing <br />prices in a rapidly changing industry, the city now has an opportunity to purchase <br />a computer for approximately $1,400.00. When considering all three office personnel <br />have no background in computer operation, we are concerned with the availability <br />of the equipment for learning purposes as well as wordprocessing. A second computer <br />will also allow both clerical personnel to do wordprocessing simultaneously when <br />needed. Initially, we had anticipated spending between $3,500 and $4,000 for <br />computer hardware and $2,000 for software. It would appear that we could stay <br />well within the budget and our original plans even with the acquisition of a <br />second computer. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Potts xconded, authorizing the City Administrator to <br />purchase an additional computer for approximately $1,450.00. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />10. Reports of Officers and Committees <br />Attorney Johnson submitted his monthly report and a copy of the city's Answer <br />and Counter claim regarding the White Bear Rod and Gun Club. Attorney Johnson <br />was requested to appear at the next regular Council meeting, May 4, 1987, along <br />with Howard Kuusisto, to discuss the proposed changes in the city's Mining Ordinance. <br />Building Inspector, Tom Crever, stated that he has received applications for building <br />permits for Lots 7 and 8 in Valley View Terrance. He was of the opinion that no <br />permits were to be issued for those lots until they were served by city improvements. <br />