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1987.05.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.05.04 CC Minutes
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48 May 4, 1987 <br />drywells will result in the overflow moisture draining to a ponding area, and <br />piping from the pond into the storm sewer. The drywells are equipped with hinged <br />manhole covers that "pop" with the drywells overflow. The ponding area will <br />hold no more than 1 foot of water and only temporarily during rain. The school <br />district has verbal approval from the RCWD for their drainage plan. Vern Peloquin, <br />adjoining property owner, asked whether the school's water would end up on his <br />fields. The engineer working on the school's addition assured Mr. Peloquin that <br />the school would hold its own water. Representativesfrom the school district <br />stated that it would be their responsibility to maintain the newly installed drywells. <br />Motion made by Potts, Vail seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit for the <br />Independent School District #624 for the addition of six classrooms and a gymna- <br />sium on property generally described as Part of the NW4 and NEy, Section 20, T31N, <br />R21W (aka 14895 Francesva Avenue) Hugo Elementary School. This approval is subject <br />to the following conditions: <br />1. Any and all conditions of the SUP must be met within 120 days unless otherwise <br />stipulated in this permit. If these conditions are not met the permit will be <br />null and void. <br />2. A building permit will be applied for within 120 days of permit approval and <br />substantial construction of any building and improvements must be underway <br />within 120 days of permit issuance. <br />3. Any commercial or industrial use of said property not specifically permitted <br />in this zoning district by the zoning ordinance shall be strictly prohibited. <br />4. No building permits will be issued until the require permits are secured from <br />the appropriate watershed district where applicable. <br />5. No significant deviations from the approved site plan shall be permitted unless <br />reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council followed by an Amended <br />Special Use Permit. <br />6. Site must be policed and maintained on a regular basis with regard to litter <br />and site nuisances. <br />7. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this permit shall be paid by <br />the applicant including the cost of recording this permit with Washington County. <br />8. No fences, structures, or vegetation may be placed in on-site easements. <br />9. Property owner must provide access to the site for periodic inpsections by the <br />city to assure compliance with the SUP. <br />10. No parking in front of the school building (along sidewalk). <br />11. Applicant will install "NO PARKING" signs by fire hydrants. <br />12. Provide an additional 61 parking stalls on site (northeast of site). <br />13. No parking on Francesca Avenue in front of the school. <br />14. Roof water to run into new, additional drywells. <br />15. Surface drainage to go into storm sewer and catch basin. <br />16. Review of storm water drainage by the city engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />6.B Subdivision Request (Lengyel/Achman) <br />Messrs. Mike Lengyel and Sam Achman have made application to the City of Hugo for the <br />subdivision of a 40 acre tract of land and waiver of the formal subdivision require- <br />ment. The property in question is generally described as the SWy of the SE4 of <br />Section 35, T31N, R21W. The property is zoned Agriculture, and it is the intent <br />of the petitioners to subdivide the property into two lots, one containing 10 acres <br />and the other 30 acres. Both parcels of land comply with zoning requirements, and <br />percolation tests have been completed on Tract A along with a design of a septic <br />system and drainfield. The RCWD has indicated their approval of the subdivision <br />of land. At the April 22, 1987 Hugo Planning Commission meeting, action was <br />taken unanimously recommending approval of the subdivision request, and waiver of <br />
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