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TO <br />May 18, 1987 <br />enforcement services during the 1987 fiscal year is $165,865.26. This figure <br />includes the $12,432.67 due to Washington County for services rendered in 1986 <br />that have not been paid to date. The budget for law enforcement services in <br />1987, as approved by the City Council in the Fall of last year, is $141,946.00. <br />Ken Huber, City Adminstrator, stated that Hugo pays for services actually received. <br />The cost overrun were costs incurred in 1986 and carried over to 1987. After <br />an audit of services rendered, the undercharge was realized. This information <br />was not received until February, 1987, making it impossible for the city to budget for <br />it in 1986. At this time, there appears no way to change the existing procedure <br />for billing of services. <br />Motion made by Potts, Peltier seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to <br />sign the agreement for Law Enforcement Services for the fiscal year 1987, between <br />the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON and the CITY OF HUGO. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.A Site Plan Approval (Glamos Wire Products) <br />On behalf of Glamos Wire Products, Mr. Joe Glamos made application to the City of <br />Hugo for the construction of a 20,000 square foot addition to the existing Glamos <br />Wire Products building located at 5564 152nd Street North. The property in question <br />consists of approximately 5 acres and is zoned Industrial. The property is generally <br />described as a part of the NW4 of the SE4 of Section 17, T31N, R21W, Washington <br />County, Minnesota. Mr. Glamos has indicated an on-site storm water drainage plan <br />is being prepared for review by the city engneer and approval by the RCWD. Mr. <br />Glamos has indicated that he will be provid j dequate off-street parking to assure <br />that customer and employee parking will not be necessary on 152nd Street. The <br />drainage plan that is being prepared will serve the proposed addition as well as <br />any future expansions,.. A new septic system will also be installed for the addi- <br />tional building. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Vail seconded, to approve the site plan for Joe Glamos, <br />Glamos Wire Products, 5564 152nd Street North, for the construction of a 20,000 <br />square foot addition to the existing building on the property. The property is <br />generally described as a part of the NW4 of the SE4 of Section T31N, R21W, <br />Washington County, Minnesota. Approval of this site plan is subject to the fol- <br />lowing conditions: <br />1. A building permit must be applied for within 120 days of plan approval, and <br />substantial construction of any building and improvements must be underway <br />within 120 days of permit issuance. <br />2. Property lines must be identified on site, by the petitioner, to assure <br />proper building setbacks when buildings are constructed. <br />3. All driveways or improvements built over ditches or drainage areas must <br />include installation of a 15" diameter corrugated metal culvert or other <br />drainage improvements installed in a manner acceptable to the city. <br />4. No building permits will be issued until the required permits are secured <br />from the appropriate watershed district, where applicable. <br />5. No significant deviations from the site plan shall be permitted unless <br />reviewed by the City Council. <br />6. The site must be policed and maintained on a regular basis with regard to <br />litter and on-site nuisances. <br />7. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this plan approval will be <br />paid by the applicant including any engineering or legal costs. <br />