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61 <br />May 18, 1987 <br />8. Any exterior lighting for the activity proposed must be approved by the city <br />building inspector. <br />9. Any exterior storage on site relating to the activities permitted by this site <br />plan approval must be confined to a secured area approved by the City Code <br />Enforcement Officer. <br />10. No fences, structures, or vegetation may be placed in on-site easements. <br />11. The use for which this plan approval is sought is not in violation of any restrictive <br />covenant applying to the property referenced herein. <br />12. The activities on site will not adversely alter any watercourse, ditch, or <br />drainage system. <br />13. The property owner/applicant must permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with1he site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.B Site Plan Approval (Hugo Feed Mill) <br />On behalf of the Hugo Feed Mill, Mr. Joe Marier has made application to the City of <br />Hugo for site plan approval to construct a wooden dike around his fertilizer tank <br />located at the southwest corner of 145th Street North and the Northern Pacific <br />Railway Company rail line (portions of Lot 2 and 3, Block A, Railway Company sub- <br />division of its Duluth/Shortline right-of-way). It is our understanding that the <br />dike in question is being required by the State Department of Agriculture, and Mr. <br />Marier must be in compliance within a specified period of time. The dike must <br />meet state standards, and must be inspected and approved by the State of Minnesota. <br />Motion made by Vail, Potts seconded, to approve the site plan application for T.J. <br />Marier, Hugo Feed Mill, 5567 145th Street North, for the construction of a wooden <br />dike around his fertilizer tank located at the southwest corner of 145th Street <br />North and the Northern Pacific Railway Company rail line (portions of Lot 2 and 3, <br />Block A, Railway Company subdivision of its Duluth/Shortline right-of-way) and <br />approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Any required building permit must be applied for within 120 days of site plan <br />approval, and substantial construction of any building and improvements must <br />be underway within 120 days of plan approval. <br />2. Property lines must be identified on site, by the petitioner, to assure proper <br />structure setbacks when buildings are constructed if required by the city <br />building inspector. <br />3. No building permits will be issued until the required permits are secured from <br />the appropriate watershed district, when applicable. <br />4. No significant deviations from the site plan shall be permitted unless reviewed <br />by the City Council followed by an amended site plan. <br />5. The site must be policed and maintained on a regular basis with regard to <br />litter and on-site nuisances. <br />6. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this site plan will be paid <br />by the applicant including any engineering and legal fees. <br />7. Any driveway permits requiring access to state highway or county roads may <br />not be constructed until permits are secured from Washington County of MNDOT. <br />