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63 <br />May 18, 1987 <br />9.A Request for Speed Zone Study (Irish Avenue) <br />Mr. LeRoy Lundstrom has requested city consideration to reduce the speed limit on <br />Irish Avenue from 122nd Street North to 130th Street North, then 130th Street North <br />east to County Road 8A. In the past, requests of this nature have been referred to <br />MNDOT formally requesting a speed zone study. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-35, A RESOLUTION <br />REQUESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CAUSE SPEED ZONE STUDY ON IRISH <br />AVENUE AND 130TH STREET WITHIN THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miscellaneous <br />Motion made by Potts, Peltier seconded, to approve Project #HURCACK for NSP. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto, submitted a report for the sanitary sewer improvement <br />for the John Kostuch property located on 140th Street North west of the railroad <br />tracks running parallel with U.S. Highway 61. City Engineer Kuusisto reviewed his <br />report to the City Council noting that the total cost of the utility extension, as <br />requested would be approximately $87,893.00. The City Administrator noted that this <br />report from the City Engineer was generated as a result of a request by Mr. Tom <br />Bernier to extend sanitary sewer on 140th Street from its existing location to a <br />point approximately 520' to the west. The property to be served by this proposed <br />sanitary sewer extension on 140th Street is identified as the south 323' of the <br />west 130' of Section 20, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, being part of <br />Lot 35 Auditor's Plat #7. Mr. Bernier is in the process of building a home on the <br />northeast corner of Fenway Avenue and 140th Street, and is desirous of hooking up <br />to the city sanitary sewer as opposed to installing a septic system and drainfield. <br />In conjunction with Mr. Bernier's request, Mr. John Kostuch has also indicated he <br />would like sanitary sewer extended approximately 700' to the north of 140th Street <br />to serve property in the Kostuch industrial area lying west of the Northern Pacific <br />Railroad right-of-way. Messrs. Kostuch and Bernier have indicated they will pay <br />the full cost of the utility installation designed in a manner acceptable to the <br />city engineer and Metro Waste Control Commission recognizing that once the utilities <br />are installed they will become the property of the city system. The City Administrator <br />notei that Mr. Kostuch is considering a proposed subdivision of property located <br />east of Fenway Avenue between 142nd Street and 140th Street North. Mr. Kostuch's <br />prop sal f obland subdivision has not been applied for, and in no way does the city's <br />appy val of u ilities installation imply that his subdivision development would be <br />appy ved in the future. Councilmember Peltier indicated she was concerned regarding <br />the xtent of this request being brought before the City Council at the last minute <br />with ut ample time to review this matter. Mayor Atkinson inquired as to whether or <br />not 't would be more appropriate to process this request in conjunction with the formal <br />subd vision of the property in question. It was noted that the extension of the <br />util ties could, in fact, stand on their own without the subdivsion of Mr. Kostuch's <br />prop rty, and that the major financial risk is to Mr. Kostuch as he will be responsible <br />for aying the cost of this utility improvement. The city staff indicated they had <br />no o jections to approval of this utility extension subject to the following: <br />1. Jr. Kostuch provide the city with a 60' wide utility easement to extend the sani- <br />ary sewer from 140th Street North in a northerly direction on the proposed street <br />ast of Fenway Avenue. <br />