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62 <br />May 18, 1987 <br />8. Any exterior storage on site relating to activities of this plan must be <br />confined to the areas identified on the site plan. <br />9. No fences, structure, or vegetation may be placed in on-site easements. <br />10. The use for which this plan approval is sought is not in violation of any <br />restrictive covenant applying to the property referenced herein. <br />11. The activities on site will not adversely alter any watercourse, ditch, or <br />drainage system. <br />12. The property owner shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with the site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.0 SUP/Variance (Wm. Wunderlich) <br />Mr. William Wunderlich has made application to the City of Hugo for a SUP to allow <br />for construction of a 401x 48' accessory building on his property in an agricultural <br />district. The property consists of approximately 10 acres that is generally <br />described as part of Section 14, T31N, R21W aka 15939 Ingersoll AVenue North. The <br />total square footage of allowable accessory buildings in this zoning district is <br />3,600 square feet for lots less than 20 acres. This request by Mr. Wunderlich <br />will allow for the construction of the building between the house and Ingersoll <br />Avenue exceeding the 3,600 square foot limit. Mr. Wunderlich also needs a variance <br />to place the building closer to the road than the principal building. Mr. Wunderlich <br />also needs a variance to place the building closer to the road than the principal <br />building. Mr. Wunderlich operates a kennel on site, and the parking area is <br />located nearer the road than the home. Mr. Wunderlich indicated that constructing <br />the building in question behind his home would interfere with the septic system <br />and drainfield on site. At the May 11,1987 Hugo Planning Commission meeting, <br />action was taken recommending issuance of a SUP to allow the construction of the <br />40' x 48' accessory building exceeding the 3,600 square foot limit, and the granting <br />of a variance to allow the garage to be constructed between the house and Ingersoll <br />Avenue North, subject to 13 special conditions. Mr. Wunderlich indicated he would <br />have no problem complying with the special conditions. <br />Councilman Potts felt there was ample room on the property to construct an accessory <br />building so that it would not have to be located between the residence and Ingersoll <br />Avenue. Potts did not feel there was a hardship to the land. Mayor Atkinson did <br />not feel Mr. Wunderlich had proven there was a hardship to approve the variance <br />request, but did not have a problem with the size of the building. Mayor Atkinson <br />stated that Mr. Wunderlich could come back back with a differenct site plan for <br />consideration. For the record, Mr. Potts stated that he concurred with the Mayor's <br />views on this matter. Mr. Wunderlich explained the hardship in that there is a <br />new septic system to the east, alot of fill would be required, and an inconvenience <br />to him during the winter months. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Vail seconded, to approve the SUP and variance for William <br />Wunderlich to allow for the construction of a 40' x 48' accessory building, which <br />would exceed the 3,600, square feet allowed, between the house and Ingersoll Avenue. <br />The property is generally described as part of Section 14, T31N, R21W aka 15939 <br />Ingersoll Avenue. The approval is subject to the 13 special conditions as outlined <br />in the Planning Commission minutes of May 11, 1987. <br />VOTING AYE: Vail and Peltier <br />VOTING NAY: Potts and Atkinson <br />Motion Failed. <br />