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65 <br />The <br />PRE <br />Cit <br />Cit <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />June 1, 1987 <br />meeting was called to order by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />NT: Peltier, Potts, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Attorney, Charles Johnson <br />Administrator, Ken Huber <br />on made by Vail, Peltier seconded, to approve the minutes of May 18, 1987, as <br />itted. <br />All1aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mot lon made by Peltier, Vail seconded, to approve the General Claims for June 1, 1987, <br />in 4he amount of $93,131.38 <br />All <br />Mot: <br />in i <br />All <br />7.A <br />aye. Motion Carried. <br />.on made by Vail, Peltier seconded, to approve the Utility Claims for June 1, 1987, <br />:he amount of $3654.59. <br />aye. Motion Carried. <br />Request for Subdivision of Land (Harley Johnson) <br />Mr. Harley E. Johnson has made application to the City of Hugo for a minor subdivision <br />of land and waiver of subdivsion requirements to divide a 20 acre tract of land into <br />two buildable lots in a RR1 zoning district. The property in question is generally <br />described as part of the SE4 of the SE4 of Section 19, T31N, R21W, lcoated north of <br />140th Street North and west of Fenway Avenue. The preliminary survey and request <br />for waiver offormal subdivision requirements was recommended by the Planning Commission <br />and subsequently approved by the City Council. A final survey has been completed <br />ide tifying Tracts B and C of certificate of survey #6-1-87. Said survey does <br />conform to the preliminary survey previously approved by the Council. We would <br />rec mmend approval of the survey subject to the special conditions previously reviewed <br />by the Council and agreed upon by the applicant. <br />#6-1-87 <br />Motion made by Vail, Peltier seconded, to approvecertificate of survey/for the Harley E. <br />Johr son subdivision and waiver of the formal platting procedure for the following <br />desAribed parcel of land (that part of the SE4 of the SE4 of Section 19, T31N, R21W, <br />locted north of 140th Street and west of Fenway Avenue). Approval is subject to <br />the ollowing special conditions: <br />1. rroperty lines must be identified by the petitioner to assure proper building <br />etbacks when buildings are to be constructed. <br />2. ny commercial or industrial use of said property, not specifically permitted in <br />he zoning district by the city zoning ordinance, shall be prohibited. <br />3. All driveways built over ditches or drainage areas must include the installation <br />of a minimum 15" corrugated metal culvert installed in a manner acceptable to <br />the city building inspector. <br />4. No additional buildings will be permitted on the site until the required permits <br />are secured from the appropriate watershed districts where applicable. <br />