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1987.06.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.06.01 CC Minutes
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City Council
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M <br />June 1, 1987 <br />5. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this survey approval shall be <br />paid by the applicant including the cost of recording this survey with <br />Washington County. <br />6. Activities on site shall not cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, or <br />drainage system. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.B Septic System Verification Services Agreement <br />As per Council direction, the city staff has been working with Washington County <br />in an effort to develop an agreement that would permit the Washington County <br />building officials's department to conduct on-site septic system verification with- <br />in the corporate limits of the City of Hugo. The City Administrator has reviewed <br />this agreement and finds no objections to the arrangements provide for therein. <br />The county will be providing this service on an on-call basis for residents of the <br />city who are selling their property or are applying for refinancing. The <br />county will be responsible for all paperwork and have jurisdiction over the <br />systems they inspect. <br />Motion made by Potts, Vail seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to <br />execute the Agreement for Septic Sewage System Vertification between the City of <br />Hugo and Washington County. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.0 Building Premises Identification (Proposed Ordinance) <br />As per Council direction, the city fire chief has been working on a proposed ordi- <br />nance to require minimal standards for building identification in the City of <br />Hugo. In the fall of 1986, the fire chief appeared before the Council and identified <br />some major concerns regarding inability of public safety personnel to locate various <br />homes and buildings in the City of Hugo because of inadequate building identification. <br />Buildings are set back great distances from the roads, mailboxes are grouped together, <br />and homeowners share driveways and private road easements making it virtually impossi- <br />ble at times to locate various buildings in the city. When public safety personnel <br />respond to emergencies, time is of the essence, and Chief Istvanovich feels that <br />a mandatory building numbering system will cut minutes off of their response time <br />in locating addresses while on route to an emergency. The only additions we might <br />recommend to the ordinance is a requirement that no Certificate of Occupancy be <br />issued until the ordinance is complied with and existing buildings be given six <br />months to comply with this ordinance. The Council expressed their concern with the <br />proposed ordinance in that it implies that identification would be necessary in two <br />separate locations, and they felt identification would be required in only one <br />location. Administrator Huber is to redraft the ordinance so that the language <br />dictates identification residence/building by one visible method. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, P(tltier seconded, to table the proposedtErdinance until <br />the meeting of June 15th, or until Mr. Huber is ready to presentAvised draft toy <br />the Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.D Application for Public Improvement (Homestead Drive/Sunset Lake) <br />Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 429, resident on Homestead Drive, west of Sunset <br />Lake, have made application for the installation of bituminous street surfacing <br />on Homestead Drive between the north line of 125th Street and the south line of <br />
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