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70 <br />June 1, 1987 <br />fence is to be located 14' from the 147th Street right-of-way and 44' from the <br />Foxhill right-of-way. The property in question is zoned SFU, and is generally <br />described as Lot 1, Block 1, Husnik's Two Inches subdivision aka 14740 Foxhill <br />Avenue. Mr. Gray is also requesting a variance to allow for an 8' x 20' addition <br />to his existing garage located off 147th Street. This request exceeds the 720 <br />square foot garage requirement by approximately 160 square feet. Mr. Gray has <br />indcated that the fence will help keep his children in his yard and off the road, <br />and that the addition to the small garage will be used for personal storage. <br />The only concern that the city staff has is the fence being constructed so as <br />not to block visibility from Foxhill Avenue and 147th Street. At the May 27, 1987 <br />Hugo Planning Commission meeting, action was taken to unanimously recommend denial <br />of the request for an addition to Mr. Gray's existing garage, and unanimously <br />recommend approval of the request to construct a 4' high cyclone fence 14' from <br />the 147th Street right-of-way and 44' from the Foxhill Avenue right-of-way subject <br />to special conditions. <br />Motion made by Potts, Peltier seconded, to approve the request of Ronald and <br />Brenda Gray for a variance to construct a 8' x 20' addition to his existing <br />garage located off 147th Street at Foxhill Avenue. <br />VOTING AYE: Peltier, Potts <br />VOTING NAY: Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Motion Failed. <br />Motion made by Potts, Peltier seconded, to approve the request of Ronald and <br />Brenday Gary for a SUP to construct a 4' high cyclone fence 14' from the 147th <br />Street right-of-way and 44' from the Foxhill Avenue right-of-way, subject to <br />the following special conditions: <br />1. Any and all conditions of the SUP must be met within 120 days unless otherwise <br />stipulated in this permit. If these conditions are not met, the permit will <br />be null and void. <br />2. A building permit must be applied for within 120 days of permit approval and <br />substantial construction of any building must be underway within 120 days of <br />permit issuance. <br />3. The property lines must be identified on site by the petiioner to assure proper <br />building setbacks when buildings are to be constructed if required by the <br />building inspector. <br />4. Any commercial or industrial use of said property, not specifically permitted <br />in the zoning ordinance, shall be strictly prohibited. <br />5. All fees relating to the issuance of this permit shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording with Washington County. <br />6. All driveways requiring access to highway or county roads may not be con- <br />structed until permits are secured from Washington County or MNDot. <br />7. No fences, structures, or vegetation shall be placed in on-site easements. <br />8. The property owner shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to insure conformance with the permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.0 Special Use Permit Review (Bald Eagle Sportsman Assn) <br />In the spring of each year, the Hugo Planning Commission has typically reviewed <br />the SUP and special conditions allowing for the continued operation of the BESA. <br />