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T <br />June 1, 1987 <br />Elmcrest Avenue as presently laid out and traveled. Mr. DesLauries has been directed <br />to amend the certificate of survey deleting Tract A and Tract C and redefining tracts <br />D and E for the final survey. The property in question was thought to have been <br />property subdivided at an earlier date; however, records indicate that although the <br />survey was prepared, it was never reviewed or approved by the city. The parcels in <br />question meet the lot dimension requirements for an agricultural zone. The DesLauries' <br />have been notified that they must have the RCWD review their survey and approve their <br />plan for development prior to issuance of a building permit. At the May 27, 1987 <br />Hugo Planning Commission meeting, action was taken unanimously recommending approval <br />of the minor subdivision request, and waiver of formal subdivision requirements subject <br />to special conditions agreed upon by the applicant. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Potts seconded, to approve the preliminary survey for Ron <br />DesLauries and John Iverson and waiver of the formal platting procedure for the <br />following described property: all that part of the SW4 of the NW4, Section 30, <br />T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the centerline of <br />Elmcrest Avenue as presently laid out and traveled. This approval is subject to <br />the following special conditions: <br />1. A final survey be submitted to the City Council wihtin 90 days of preliminary <br />survey acceptance or this approval shall be null and void. <br />2. All conditions must be met before stamping of any deeds for recording by the <br />City Clerk unless otherwise permitted by Council action. <br />3. Property lines must be identified on site by the applicant to assure proper <br />setbacks when buildings are to be constructed, if required by the building <br />inspector. <br />4. Any commercial or industrial use of said property, not specifically permitted <br />in this zone by the city zoning ordinance, shall be strictly prohibited. <br />5. Driveways or drainageways must include installation of minimum 15" diameter <br />metal culverts in a manner acceptable to the city. Larger culverts may be <br />required by the city engineer. <br />6. No building permits are to be issued until the required permits are secured <br />from the appropriate watershed district. <br />7. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant including <br />the cost of recording documents with Washington County. <br />8. Any driveway permits requiring access to highways or county roads shall not <br />be issued until permits are secured from Washington County or MNDOT. <br />9. Use of this property shall not be in violation of any existing restrictive <br />covenants. <br />10. On-site activities permitted as a result of this subdivision will not cause the <br />altering of any watercourse, ditch, or drainage system in this area. <br />11. Payment of parkland dedication fees shall be made at the time of final survey <br />approval. <br />12. Soil percolation tests be completed and submitted for review prior to final <br />survey approval. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.B Special Use Permit/Variance (Ron Gray) <br />Ron and Brenda Gray have made application to the City of Hugo for a SUP and variance <br />to allow for the construction of a 4' high cyclone fence on their property. Said <br />