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M_ <br />July 6, 1987 <br />1. A final survey must be submitted to the Council for approval within 90 days <br />of preliminary survey acceptance or this approval shall be null and void. <br />2. All conditions must be met prior to stamping of any deeds for recording by <br />the City Clerk unless otherwise permitted by Council action. <br />3. All fees relating to this subdivision approval shall be paid by the applicant <br />including recording documents with Washington County. <br />4. On-site activities permitted as a result of this subdivision shall not cause <br />the altering of any watercourse, ditch, or drainage system in this area. <br />5. No dwelling unit shall be permtted on this .13 acre tract of land unless this <br />entire building site meets the minimum width, depth, and lot area for the <br />zoning district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.B Preliminary Subdivision Survey (Laura Stoltzman) <br />Mrs. Laura Stoltzman has made application to the City of Hugo for a minor subdivi- <br />sion and waiver of the formal platting requirements involving a 40 acre tract of <br />land identified as the NE4 of the NE4 of Section 15, T31N, R21W, in the City of <br />Hugo. The property is located on the soutwest corner of 157thStreet and Ingersoll <br />Avenue. It is the intent of Mrs. Stoltzman to divide said property into four 10 <br />acre tracts for residential purposes. The property is currently zoned agriculture <br />and is setting in idle acres. There is currently a dwelling on proposed Parcel A <br />of the preliminary survey, and it is our understanding that proposed Parcel D is to <br />be conveyed for the purpose of cosntructing a residential dwelling. All of the <br />areas surrounding the tract in question are zoned agriculture. This request was <br />reviewed at a public hearing of the Hugo Planning Commission on June 24, 1987, <br />at which time said Commission unanimously recommended approval of the minor <br />subdivision and waiver of the formal platting requirements subject to special <br />conditions. <br />Mrs. Stoltzman's son and daughter-in-law were present at this Council meeting <br />and stated that they had spoken to someone at the county assessor's office regarding <br />this application. They were informed that this subdivision would result in an <br />increase in the tax base for the property, and that Mrs. Stoltzman now wishes to <br />amend her application and is asking for the creation of a 10 acre tract and a 30 <br />acre tract. <br />Atkinson made motion to table this application until the applicant decides what <br />her plans are for the division of the property. <br />Atkinson withdrew his motion. <br />Peltier made motion, Potts seconded, to approve the preliminary survey for Laura <br />Stoltzman and waiver of the formal platting procedure for the following described <br />property: the NEI of the NE4 of Section 15, T31N, R21W, Washington County, <br />Minnesota. This approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. The property owner notify any future purchaser of the property that the site <br />in question was once a sanitary landfill which may affect soil conditions <br />and water quality in that area. <br />2. Final survey, indicating a 10 acre parcel and a 30 acre parcel, must be sub- <br />mitted to the Council within 90 days of preliminary survey acceptance or this <br />approval shall be null and void. <br />