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97 <br />August 3, 1987 <br />Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-42, A RESOLUTION <br />OF INTENT TO REAUTHORIZE FUNDING FOR THE OLDER ADULT HOME -SHARE PROGRAM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.0 Road and Bridge Maintenance Agreement <br />In late July, 1987, the city received notice from Washington County that they have <br />revised our agreement for road and bridge maintenance for the 1987 and 1988 fiscal <br />years. The primary changes in the agreement are in the wage rates for employees <br />and equipment rental rates. The new wage rates are effective January 11, 1987, and <br />the new equipment rates are effective August 1, 1987. In reviewing the revised <br />rates, the mileage rate for vehicles increased from 250 and 330 per mile to the <br />new rates of 350 to 400 per mile, a 16% to 21% increase. The wage increases reflect <br />a 3% to 5% increase in 1987. The equipment rental rates are rather complicated and <br />lengthy, therefore,We have taken the three major types of equipment most commonly <br />used in the City of Hugo for comparison: <br />1. The single axle dump truck rates increase from $12.10/hour to $22.30/hour <br />reflecting an 84% increase. <br />2. The tandem axle dump truck rates increased from $13.75 hour to $19.10/hour <br />reflecting a 39% increase. <br />3. The motor grader rental rates increased from $19.80/hour to $23.00/hour <br />relecting a 16% increase. <br />The total 1987 budget for street maintenace, snow removal,.and bridge maintenance <br />was $166,300.00. That number reflects no increase from the 1986 budget of <br />$166,550.00. Assuming that the cost of street maintenance in 1987 was accurately <br />projected, the city should anticipate exceeding its street maintenance budget by <br />approximately 3% for labor, and approximately 30% ± for equipment rental in the <br />last four months of this year. <br />Councilman Potts felt that the city had no option other than to enter into the <br />new contract, but suggested that the city contact the county expressing our object- <br />ion to increases of this magnitude without any warning. <br />Olson made motion, Peltier seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to <br />execute the revised Road and Bridge Maintenance Agreement, August 1, 1987 through <br />June 30, 1988, between the City of Hugo and Washington County. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />11.0 Miscellaneous <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to add the matter of public improvement on <br />125th Street/130th Street/Homestead Drive to the agenda. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Bob Anderson was present at the meeting to present a new petition to the Council <br />with more than 35% of the front footage for the public improvement of paving 125th <br />Street/130th Street/Homestead Drive. He stated that the property owners have agreed <br />that the assessment should be by a per lot assessment rather than by front footage. <br />Atkinson made motion, Potts seconded, that the City Council accept the petitioner's <br />verbal request to withdraw the petition for public improment on Homestead Drive <br />previously submitted and scheduled for public hearing. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. . <br />