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1!0 <br />of 130th Street. He was told that benefiting land abutting an improvement <br />is assessed. F:::athy Scobie, daughter of DicE:: and Pearlin Wlaschin, stated <br />that her parents were on a fixed income, and whether they could be given <br />special consideration. Ms. Scobie was told that the t-;ounci.l cc)ul.d <br />consider this request at a later time in the process. <br />If the City Council wishes to proceed with this project, the Council will <br />need to designate the project engineer and pass a resolution orderinq the <br />improvement and preparation of plans and specs. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:30 PM. <br />Olson made motion, Potts seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-45, A <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR HOMESTEAD <br />DRIVE, WEST SUNSET LAk::E PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />VOTING AYE: Potts, Olson, Vail, Att::inson <br />Votinq NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />b.B Maureen Olsen Nuisance Complaint <br />The city has been in receipt of complaints regarding an onqoinq nuisance <br />involvinq the storage of abandoned vehicles, automobile parts, and other <br />debris on Parcel in Section 31, City of Hugo. Pursuant to the <br />city code, Mrs. Maureen Olsen has been notified of said nuisance, and <br />asked to appear before the City Council at 7:10 PM, Tuesday evening, to <br />discuss abatement of this nuisance. Ms. Olsen submitted a letter to Mayor <br />Atkinson stating that she and her son have contacted three towing <br />companies to have them haul everything out of their lot. She anticipates <br />havinq the nuisance abated no later than September 18, 1987. <br />AtE::inson made motion, Peltier seconded, instructing city staff to make <br />arrangements for an inspection of the property shortly after 9/18/87 to <br />determine if the nuisance has been abated. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.A H!igo Meadows Development Agreement <br />As per Council direction, the city engineer, city attorney, and city <br />administrator have met with representatives of the Harstad Company to word:: <br />out the details of a development agreement in conjunction with the Hugo <br />Meadows subdivision plat. The Council has approved the preliminary plat <br />with the final plat currently being prepared by the developers. The city <br />attorney is using the standard development agreement format used by the <br />City of Hugo previously. The following is a list of additional items that <br />the staff is recommending for Council approval to be included in the <br />development agreement: <br />1. The proposed park for this development be located at the extreme east <br />end of this site with access from Goodview Avenue. The plat must show <br />the park being dedicated at the time of Hugo Meadows, Phase 1, <br />