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113 <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF <br />SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 <br />PRESENT: Peltier, Potts, Olson Vail, Atkinson <br />City Administrator, Ken Fauber <br />City Attorney, Charles Johnson <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />Peltier made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the minutes of September 8, <br />1987 as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the General Claims for <br />September 21, 1987, in the amount of $96,512.35. <br />Al aye. Motion Carried. <br />Vail made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Utility Claims for <br />September 21, 1987, in the amount of $833.24. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.A Hugo Meadows - Final Plat <br />Representatives of Harstad and Associates have submitted their final plat <br />for review and approval by the City Council. The final plat appears to be <br />substantially the same as the preliminary plat previously approved by the <br />Planning Commission and City Council. The special conditions of the <br />development agreement have been approved by the Council, and the utility <br />and street design are being reviewed by the City Engineer. It is our <br />understanding that the developers intend to proceed with the utility <br />installations this fall with street, curb, and gutter being installed in <br />the spring of 1988. The Council was to note the part- location on sheet 2 <br />of the plat. It had been previously recommended that lots located in <br />Block 2, 3, and 4 be extended to the south border of the plat on sheet 1. <br />The final plat now references Outlot A and Outlot B. We would question <br />who will own, and be responsible for, these outlots. Pending resolution <br />of concerns regarding the outlots, the staff would recommend approval of <br />the final plat subject to compliance with the special conditions of the <br />preliminary plat, and all conditions of the development agreement, and <br />other developer commitments. Copies of the final plat have been forwarded <br />to the city engineer for his review and final comment. <br />Administrator Huber and Engineer Kuusisto agreed that some matters they <br />had previously discussed with Mr. Ken Briggs, Harstad Company, had not <br />been implemented on the final plat now submitted. It was also noted that <br />the form of the final plat was not "typical" to other plats previously <br />reviewed. These matters will be reviewed with Harstad representatives <br />for further clarification. <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the final plat for HUGO <br />MEADOWS until the Council meeting of October 5, 1987, at which time the <br />concerns of the city will have been reviewed with the Harstad Company. <br />All aye. Motion.Carried. <br />