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We <br />8.9 AUTHORIZE ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE CONTRACT <br />As you are aware, the city has been without animal control services for <br />more than two months. The city has been approached by Animal Control and <br />Management Inc., to provide service to the City of Hugo' Mr. Howard <br />Anderson, president of the above referenced company, has indicated a <br />willingness to modify their service contract to meet the needs of the City <br />of Hugo and provide service to the city at a fixed rate of $248 per month <br />until July 1, 1988' We are requesting Council authorization to enter into <br />the animal control service contract after modification by the city staff' <br />We are also requesting that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign <br />the modified contract on behalf of the City of Hugo' Said contract to be <br />in effect on November 1, 1987. <br />Potts made motion, Olson seconded, that the Mayor and City Clerk be <br />authorized to sign the agreement between the City of Hugo and Animal <br />Control and Management, Inc., after approved changes have been made to the <br />submitted document. The City Council is to review the revised agreement <br />prior to the Mayor and Clerks' signatures' <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.10 RESOLUTION SETTING EMPLOYEE SALARIES <br />Pursuant to 2.1A of the city's personnel policy, the salaries for city <br />employees are to be reviewed and set by the City Council at the time of <br />general government budget approval. The city administrator has reviewed <br />the salary recommendations as proposed herein with the appropriate <br />supervisors' With the exception of the probationary firefighter, the <br />increases recommended range between 4% and 5%. These increases are within <br />the budgeted appropriation for salary adjustments as approved in the <br />general fund budget. We are also recommending an addition to the holiday <br />schedule and a provision to deal with bereavement leave requests' The <br />tuition reimbursement and bereavement leave arrangements are currently in <br />practice, but have never been formally approved by the City Council. We <br />would recommend the enclosed salary adjustments and personnel policy <br />revisions be approved and incorporated into the city's personnel policy <br />where applicable. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-54, A <br />RESOLUTION SETTING 1988 SALARIES AND BENEFITS FOR REGULAR AND PART-TIME <br />EMPLOYEES. <br />All aye' Motion Carried' <br />Over a period of the last several months, the city has experienced <br />numerous situations where property owners have proceeded with land -use <br />changes or building construction without securing the properpermits. The <br />city has had an ongoing, informal policy that when these cases arise, the <br />property owners are to be charged double permit fees if and when said <br />permits are issued. We feel that it would be prudent on the city's part <br />to formally adopt a policy in an effort to curtail these ordinance and <br />code violations in the future' <br />