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127 <br />8.6 AUTHORIZE UPDATE OF UTILITY MAPS <br />In the last several years, the city's utility system has been expanded, <br />and we are in need of an updated utility map for staff reference. We are <br />requesting Council authorization to utilize the Kuusisto Engineering firm <br />to update our utility map some time this winter. <br />Potts made motion, Olson seconded, that the City Administrator be <br />authorized to have Kuusisto Engineering update the city's utility system <br />map. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.7 AUTHORIZE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS <br />During the last several weeks, we have been in communication with <br />Washington County and the Burlington Northern Railroad regarding the <br />abandonment of the railroad tracks from the City of Hugo to Forest Lake' <br />The railroad crossings at 145th, 146th, and 147th Streets in Hugo present <br />some hazzards as a result of the steep elevation from the tracks to <br />Highway 61. We have been discussing the need to adjust these elevations <br />to make the intersections with Highway 61 safer. We are requesting that <br />the City Council authorize the city engineer and city administrator to <br />work with Washington County and the Burlington Northern Railroad to <br />correct and improve these roadways as a joint venture. Although no <br />specific costs are available at this time, we would anticipate paying our <br />share of these improvements from our road maintenance budget. <br />Olson made motion, Peltier seconded, authorizing the City Administrator- <br />and <br />dministratorand City Engineer to work with Washington County and the Burlington <br />Northern Railroad to correct and improve the railroad crossings at 145th <br />Street, 146th Street, and 147th Street in the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />B.8 AUTHORIZE MOVING OF STREET LIGHT <br />Currently, there are three street lights located on Fountain Avenue north <br />of County Road 8A. Despite the number of street lights in this area, <br />there are none located at the intersection of Fountain Avenue with 8A <br />which is the appropriate location for a street light. We are also <br />requiring the installation of a street light on Foxhill Avenue at the <br />entrance to the Hugo Meadows subdivision. There is a street light on <br />County Road 8A located approximately 100' to 150' east of Fountain <br />Avenue. We are requesting Council authorization to pursue the possibility <br />of moving the existing street light on County Road 8A east of Fountain <br />Avenue to that unlighted intersection' <br />Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City Administrator be <br />authorized to have the existing street light located approximately 100 to <br />150' east of Fountain Avenue relocated to the intersection of Fountain <br />Avenue and County Road 8A. <br />All aye. Motion Carried' <br />